外教社博学文库 大规模英语考试作文评分信度与网上阅卷实证研究【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

- 王跃武著 著
- 出版社: 上海:上海外语教育出版社
- ISBN:9787544639842
- 出版时间:2015
- 标注页数:359页
- 文件大小:52MB
- 文件页数:385页
- 主题词:计算机系统-评分-应用-英语-写作-考试-研究
外教社博学文库 大规模英语考试作文评分信度与网上阅卷实证研究PDF格式电子书版下载
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Chapter 1 Introduction1
1.1 Rationale for the study2
1.2 Objectives of the study3
1.3 Organization of the thesis5
1.4 Definition of terms7
1.4.1 Online7
1.4.2 Marking8
1.4.3 Online marking8
1.4.4 Online Marking System(OMS)9
1.4.5 Local Area Network(LAN)10
Chapter 2 Research Questions and Methodology of the Study11
Chapter 3 Issues in the Direct Testing of EFL/ESL Writing Ability14
3.1 Introduction14
3.2 What is a direct writing test?16
3.3 EFL/ESL writing ability:What shall we test?16
3.4 Issues in validity21
3.4.1 What is validity?21
3.4.2 Types of validity21
3.5 Issues in reliability25
3.5.1 What is reliability?25
3.5.2 Methods of judging reliability of writing assessments25
3.6 The relationship between validity and reliability28
3.7 Four components of a direct writing test29
3.7.1 The task29
3.7.2 The writer32
3.7.3 The scoring procedure34
3.7.4 The rater37
3.8 Washback39
3.8.1 Washback in general39
3.8.2 Washback of direct tests of writing42
3.9 Practicality44
3.10 Summary44
Chapter 4 The CET Writing Test45
4.1 Introduction45
4.2 The writing test required by the CET47
4.2.1 A direct test48
4.2.2 Positive washback48
4.3 The scoring of CET compositions50
4.3.1 The scoring approach currently adopted51
4.3.2 Procedures involved in scoring CET essays51 Scoring Principles and Marking Scheme52 Range-finders and sample essays53 Rater training54 Rating process55 Monitoring raters'scoring during the scoring sessions55 Recording essay scores56
4.4 Computer-aided adjustment of writing scores56
4.5 Discussion64
Chapter 5 The First Experimental Study67
5.1 Introduction67
5.2 Compositions68
5.3 Participants69
5.4 Data collection procedure71
5.5 The introspection and retrospection studies74
5.5.1 Introduction74
5.5.2 Data elicitation76
5.5.3 Tape transcription77
5.5.4 Data analysis77
5.6 The questionnaire studies78
5.6.1 Design of the questionnaires78
5.6.2 Analysis of questionnaire responses79
5.7 Findings from the introspection,retrospection and questionnaire studies86
5.7.1 Issues and problems in rating CET essays online87
5.7.2 Decision-making behaviors while rating CET-4 essays88
5.7.3 Summary of comments made by the raters on essays91 Overall summary91 Variations in raters'comments93
5.7.4 Essay elements'influences on raters'decision-making93
5.7.5 Elements of good CET essays in the raters'eyes96
5.8 Analysis of writing scores98
5.9 Summary and discussion107
5.9.1 About the issues and problems involved107
5.9.2 About the raters'scoring decisions107
5.9.3 About the writing scores108
Chapter 6 The Second Experimental Study110
6.1 Introduction110
6.2 Compositions111
6.3 Participants112
6.4 Data collection procedure112
6.5 Problems encountered113
6.6 Data analysis114
6.7 Results114
6.8 Summary122
Chapter 7 Design of the OMS123
7.1 Introduction123
7.2 Literature review on online marking of compositions124
7.2.1 Automated scoring of essays124 Overview of four major automated scoring methods125 Analysis of the four major automated scoring methods132 Summary138
7.2.2 Online scoring of essays by human raters139 Overview of online scoring of essays by human raters140 Empirical research on online scoring of essays by human raters143 Summary146
7.3 A preliminary model of marking essays online147
7.4 Overview of the CET Online Marking System(OMS)148
7.4.1 The data management module149 Basic information management150 Essay management151 Search and report151
7.4.2 The training module152
7.4.3 The rating module152
7.4.4 The monitoring module153
7.5 Operation of the OMS and the rater interface153
7.5.1 Overview of the operation of the OMS153
7.5.2 The OMS rater interface155
7.6 Main features of the CET OMS161
7.6.1 Random distribution of scripts161
7.6.2 Efficient score recording162
7.6.3 Online real-time monitoring of scoring162
7.6.4 Quality control of raters163 Adherence to the CET Scoring Principles and Marking Scheme164 Rater training166 Compulsory training167 Individual rater's self training170 Forced training171 Online discussion172 Back-reading and score revising173 Time control173
7.7 Advantages of the CET OMS175
7.7.1 Real and efficient random distribution of scripts at the national level175
7.7.2 Real-time online monitoring of raters175
7.7.3 Assured quality control of scoring177
7.7.4 Overall efficiency179
7.7.5 Efficient and economical storage of scripts180
7.7.6 Express retrieval of scripts and scores180
7.7.7 Efficient management and potential utilization of test data for research180
7.8 Limitations of online scoring and solutions182
7.9 Summary184
Chapter 8 The Third Experimental Study185
8.1 Context of the experiment185
8.2 Participants186
8.3 Compositions188
8.4 Data collection189
8.4.1 Step 1:Online marking190 The first round online marking190 The second round online marking198
8.4.2 Step 2:Conference marking198
8.5 Data analysis199
8.6 Results200
8.7 Summary and discussion215
Chapter 9 Data Analysis Using FACETS219
9.1 FACETS and method219
9.2 The first approach:comparison of rater severity and consistency from the online setting and the conference setting222
9.2.1 Rater severity and consistency:the online setting222 Rater severity:the online setting224 Rater consistency:the online setting226
9.2.2 Rater severity and consistency:the conference setting227 Rater severity:the conference setting229 Rater consistency:the conference setting231
9.2.3 Comparison of rater severity and consistency in two settings231
9.2.4 Comparison of rater severity change between two settings233
9.3 The second approach:bias analysis234
9.3.1 Bias analysis:rater by essay interactions235
9.3.2 Bias analysis:rater by setting interactions237
9.4 Conclusion240
9.5 Discussion241
Chapter 10 Summaries,Discussions,Implications and Recommendations243
10.1 A refined model of online scoring of CET essays and its main features244
10.2 Benefits proceeding from online scoring247
10.3 Practicality249
10.4 Scoring quality252
10.5 Raters'comments254
10.6 Suggestions for the improvement of the Online Marking System255
10.7 Implications for other writing tests256
10.8 Suggestions and recommendations for future research257
10.8.1 Suggestions for future research in online marking of compositions257
10.8.2 Recommendations for future research in EFL writing assessment261
10.9 Theoretical and practical significance of the study265
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