
周村芯子 中英文本【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

周村芯子 中英文本
  • 王恩元著 著
  • 出版社: 北京:中国摄影出版社
  • ISBN:7800079848
  • 出版时间:2006
  • 标注页数:202页
  • 文件大小:8MB
  • 文件页数:208页
  • 主题词:民间工艺-淄博市-画册


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王恩元光与影的斑斓世界&孙方之 The Colorful World of Light and Shadow of Wang Enyuan/Sun Fangzhi1

白蛇传 Legend of White Snake5

许仙游湖 Xu Xian Visits the Lake11

状元拜塔 Zhuangyuan Prays before the Pagoda13

追鱼 Running after the Fish15

荷花三娘 The Third Girl of Lotus23

荷和二仙 Two immortals—He Xiangu and Lan Caihe25

春草闯堂 Chuncao Breaks into the Court29

刘罗锅 Hunchback Liu37

楼台会 Dating under the Pavilion39

闹书房 Making a Scene in the Study41

唐伯虎与秋香 Tang Bohu and Qiuxiang43

盗金牌 The Theft of Golden Plate47

拾玉镯 Finding Jade Bracelet51

黄英 Huang Ying55

海市蜃楼 The mirage61

天河配 The Marriage at the Milky Way67

春秋配 The story about Li Chunfa and Jiang Qiulian73

文姬归汉 Wenji Returns to the Han Empire75

宝莲灯 Lotus Lantern77

七仙女下凡 The Seventh Fairy Goes down from Heaven85

嫦娥奔月 Chang'er Flies to the Moon89

锯大缸 Fixing the Urn93

高老庄 Gaolao Village95

廉锦枫 Lian Jinfeng97

铁弓缘 The Marriage Introduced by an Iron Bow99

虹霓关 The Rainbow Pass101

樊江关 The Fanjiang Pass103

人面桃花 The Beautiful Girl and the Peach Blossom105

红楼梦 The Dream of Red Mansion109

黛玉葬花 Daiyu Buries Flowers111

鸳鸯剑 Mandarin Duck Sword113

逼婚记 A Forced Marriage115

婴宁 Ying Ning117

香玉 Xiang Yu119

吕布与貂蝉 Lv Bu and Diaochan121

凤仪亭 Fengyi Kiosk129

红娘 A Young Match-maker133

贵妃醉酒 The Drunken Princess141

大染坊 The Great Dye House143

胡四姐 The Fourth Sister of the Hu Family149

珍珠塔 Pearl Pagoda151

龙女献宝 The Dragon Girl Dedicates Treasure153

七品芝麻官 A"Seventh Grade"Magistracy as Insignificant as a Sesame Seed155

反腐倡廉 Fighting Corruption and Advocating Probity157

济公传 The Legend of the Monk Jigong161

龙凤呈祥 The Marriage between Dragon and Phoneix163

八仙过海 The Eight Immortals Cross the Sea165

韩湘子 Han Xiangzi167

西游记 A West-Bound Journey169

三打白骨精 Fighting the Evil White-Boned Spirit for Three Times171

芯子扎制过程 Brief Introduction to the making of Xinzi175

漫谈周村芯子&王恩元 On Zhoucun Xinzi/Wang Enyuan187

看王恩元的《周村芯子》及其它&刘统爱 The Inspired Thoughts on Zhoucun Xinzi by Wang Enyuan/Wang Jianxin195

民俗摄影与非物质文化遗产的保护&王建新 Folklore Photography and the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage/Wang Jianxin195

后记&王恩元 The Postsc ript/Wang Enyuan199

作者简介 Resume of the Author201
