
环境振动新进展 第六届国际环境振动学术研讨会 英文【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

环境振动新进展 第六届国际环境振动学术研讨会 英文
  • 高广运主编 著
  • 出版社: 上海:同济大学出版社
  • ISBN:9787560853031
  • 出版时间:2013
  • 标注页数:537页
  • 文件大小:102MB
  • 文件页数:553页
  • 主题词:环境振动-国际学术会议-文集-英文


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环境振动新进展 第六届国际环境振动学术研讨会 英文PDF格式电子书版下载


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Part Ⅰ Keynote Lectures3

Numerical Simulation of High-Speed Train Induced Ground Vibration for Non-Ballasted Railway on Embankment&M.H.Shao,W.M.Zhai,X.L.Song and K.Wei3

Ambient Vibration Testing of a Large Truss Bridge with Optimal Sensor Placement&T.T.Bui,E.Reynders,G.Lombaert and G.De Roeck15

Dynamic Performance of Ballastless High-Speed Railways From a Full-Scale Accelerated Railway Testing(ART)&X.C.Bian,H.G.Jiang,Y.M.Chen,R.P.Chen and J.Q.Jiang31

Dynamic Analysis of Train-Bridge System and Its Application to Bridge Design for High-Speed Railways in China&N.Zhang,H.Xia and W.W.Guo44

Part Ⅱ Wave Propagation in Soils57

Influenced Factor of Site Information on the Environmental Ground Vibration&K.Hayakawa,K.Tanaka and S.Honda57

Analysis of Scattering Wave Field around a Cavity with Circular Cross-Section Embedded in Saturated Soil&B.Xu,M.Q.Xu and Z.F.Xia76

Optimal Time-Frequency Distribution for Analyzing Non-Stationary Signal of Ground Vibration Induced by Subway&B.Zhang,G.Zong,W.T.Li and T.T.Shan81

Grasp of Vibration Transfer Characteristics from Ground to Residential House Inside by Using the Developed Exciting System for Examination of Environmental Vibration&S.Kuninatsu,Y.Kitamura,Y.Hirao and K.Ohta88

Harmonic Wave Diminution and Energy Scatter in a Planar Domain with Randomly Inhomogeneous Material Density&J.Náprstek,C.Fischer and J.D.Yau94

Part Ⅲ Prediction and Simulation Methods of Environmental Vibration105

An Efficient Numerical Model for the Simulation of Vibrations Induced by Railway Traffic in Tunnels&P.Lopes,P.A.Costa,R.Cal?ada and A.S.Cardoso105

Surface Response Analysis Excited by an Embedded Moving Load&T.Qian,M.Ma119

Study of Vibration Impact on Historic Buildings Induced by Subway Trains in Spatial Overlapping Tunnels&M.Ma,W.N.Liu,Y.Yuan,C.Y.Qian and G.H.Deng127

Study on Comparison of Ground Vibrations Induced by Metro in Curved and Straight Sections&Y.Yuan,W.N.Liu,W.F.Liu,Z.Z.Wu and L.X.Ma134

The Influence of Train Load Position on Panel Contribution to Acoustic Radiation of Viaduct Box-Beam in High Speed Railway&X.A.Zhang,X.W.Yang,G.T.Shi and H.T.Sun142

Theoretical Solution for Free Vibration of Simple-Supported Girder Bridge with Continuous Deck Slab&C.W.Zhan,Y.Ding,Q.Huang and X.F.Lin149

Simulation of Vibration of the Track-Embankment on Rigid Foundation Due to Moving Load by Using 2.5D Finite Element Method&Q.S.Feng,L.Zhang154

Three Dimensional Vibration Effects of Foundation Induced by High-Speed Moving Loads&F.C.Xue,J.M.Zhang161

Numerical Analysis of Impact Forces Between a Light Truck and High-Speed Railway Bridge Pier&K.P Cui,H.Xia,S.M.Liu and Z.M.Hou168

Part Ⅳ Field Measurement and Evaluation of Environmental Vibrations175

The Influence of Soil Properties on the Ground Vibration Due to Railway Traffic and Other Sources—the Comparability of Different Sites&L.Auersch,S.Said175

Field Testing Research on the Vibration Influence on the Historic and Old Buildings Induced by Metro Shield Construction&X.Wang,X.Han187

Train-Induced Subgrade Vibration Level by Field Experiments&Z.Y.Wang,X.Z.Ling,L.H.Tian,L.Geng,B.H.Maula and Z.Y.Zhu194

In-situ Measurements and Analysis of Effects on Sensitive Instruments in Near-by Buildings Due to Vibrations Induced by Road Vehicles&Z.Z.Wu,W.N.Liu and W.F.Liu201

Test and Evaluation of Vibration Environment in Low-lying Waiting Hall of High Speed Railway&J.Yin,Y.Q.Yang and P.H.Liu207

Study on the Characteristics of Rail Corrugation of Beijing Metro Based on In-situ Dynamic Tests&Z.Z.Wu,W.N.Liu,H.G.Zhang and L.L.Du212

Field Tests and Analysis of Vibration Isolation on Typical Railway Ground Barriers&C.L.Sun,L.Gao and C.L.Sun218

Vibration Measurement and Analysis for Buildings in a Certain Residential District&B.Huang,P.F.He,J.Wang and T.D.Xia225

Study on the Vibration Caused by Subway Train and Its Effect on Existing Masonry Building&Q.Xia,W.J.Qu231

Cementitiously Stabilized Materials Using Ultrasonic Testing&Z.P.Su240

The Research on the Dynamic Test of the Double Track Channel Beam&G.J.Sun,C.Li249

Vibration Test and Analysis of a High-Tech Electronics Plant in Suzhou&Z.Jiang,G.Y.Gao,J.Song,L.Zeng and S.J.Feng254

Part Ⅴ Soil-Structure Dynamic Interaction263

Effect of Nonlinear Soil Behavior on Dynamic Soil-Structure Interaction&X.R.Yan,J.Yang263

Dynamic Response of Cylindrical Lining in Poroelastic Saturated Half-space Soil Induced by Internal Loading&Y.Wang,G.Y.Gao,J.Lin and M.Gao270

Dynamic Response of Vehicle-Bridge System Considering Soil-Structure Interaction&Z.H.Zhu,B.Guan,Y.L.Zhu and Z.H.Zhu277

Dynamic Soil Pressure and Velocity of Slab Track-Subgrade in High-Speed Railway&R.P.Chen,X.Zhao,X.C.Bian and Y.M.Chen287

A Simplified Solution for the Torsional Response of PCC Pile in Saturated Soil&C.J.Zheng,X.M.Ding,H.L.Liu and Q.Fu292

Part Ⅵ Railroad Track and Vehicle Dynamics Modeling303

Study on the Analytical Model of Coupled Vehicle and Track with Variable Speeds&K.F.Li,W.N.Liu,Z.W.Han and V.Markine303

3D Reconstruction Method to Analyze and Evaluation Ballast Gravels&X.C.Bian,G.Y.Li314

Ground Vibration Analysis Caused by China Railway High-Speed with Track Geometric Irregularities&G.Q.Chen,G.Y.Gao,Q.S.Chen and C.B.Yang320

Computer-Vision Based 3D Discrete Element Modeling of Railroad Ballast&W.Li,X.C.Bian and E.Tutumluer328

Study on Rail Corrugation Due to Train/Track Dynamic Interaction Based on in Situ Tests&H.G.Zhang,W.N.Liu and K.F.Li337

Vibration Characteristics of Short Floating Slab Track in Metro Line&X.W.Yang,S.L.Lian344

Vibration Analysis for Vehicle-Bridge Interaction by Duhamel Integral Method&H.Qiao,H.Xia,X.T.Du and Q.Cheng351

Study on Wheel/Rail Acoustic Radiation of Trough Girder Bridge for Urban Rail Transit&K.B.Li,N.Zhang and H.Xia357

Numerical Analysis on Reasonable Design of Physical Model of High Speed Railway&C.Cheng,J.Q.Jiang and X.C.Bian363

Mechanical Analysis of Rail Pad Subjected to Dynamic Load Caused by Train&H.F.Dai,G.Y.Gao,J.Song and L.Zeng370

Part Ⅶ Measures in Reducing Environmental Vibration381

Analysis of Vibration Reduction Effect of Steel Spring Floating Slab Track with Finite Elements&X.Y.Lei,C.D.Jiang381

Effectiveness of Under Sleeper Pads in Insulating the Train-Induced Ground Vibrations&Y.Q.Cai,Z.G.Cao390

Numerical Simulation of the Vibration Isolation Via a New Type of Pile Structure:the Linked Pile Row&J.F.Lu,X.Zhang399

In-situ Test and Numerical Evaluation of Active Vibration Isolation by WIB Under Horizontal Excitations&G.Y.Gao,N.Li,S.Y.Li and J.G.Zheng408

Three-dimensional Analysis of Active Isolation by Closed Square Open Trenches Using Grid Method&H.Xiong,G.Y.Gao and H.Q.Zhang418

Experimental Study on Vibration and Sound Radiation Reduction of Ring Damping Wheels&J.Han,X.B.Xiao,R.Q.Wang,X.S.Jin,X.J.Yin and X.L.Gao430

Application of the Ballastless Track Vibration Damping System to Vibration Reduction of High-Speed Railway Tunnel&J.S.Dai,Q.Y.Li and L.Tang439

2-D Analysis of Open Trench as Active Barriers due to Point Load in Saturated Soil&G.Shi,G.Y.Gao,Y.C.Guo and T.H.Zhou445

Study on Ground Vibration Isolation by Open Trench in Layered Soils&G.Y.Gao,H.Zhao,J.Song and C.B.Yang454

Innovative Research and Application of FST—Prefabricated Slab&J.L.Wang,G.F.Chen and J.Wang462

Part Ⅷ Assessment on Structural Safety and Serviceability471

Dynamic Buckling Analysis of an Arch Model&Y.L.Pi,M.A.Bradford,Y.L.Guo and C.Dou471

Calibration of Finite Element Model of Tall Buildings for Wind-Induced Service-ability Evaluation&M.Liu,W.P.Xie,W.He and H.Liu479

A Resonance Case of High-rise Buildings and Industrial Machines&P.Zhao487

Accumulative Settlement of Saturated Silt Subgrade Under Cyclic Traffic-loading&X.Xu,H.G.Jiang,X.C.Bian and Y.M.Chen493

Influence of Traffic-load Induced Principal Stress Rotation on the Accumulative Deformation and Pore Pressure of Soft Clay&J.H.Xiao,S.Q.Xu and K.Wei502

Damage Detection of Metro Tunnel Structure Through Cross Correlation Analysis&L.Feng,X.Y.Xie508

Test on Rubber Isolator of Brick Masonry Rural Residential Building&X.M.Zhou,S.Z.Shi and P.Xu517

Liquefaction Mechanism for Saturated Sand Around Underground Structure:Centrifuge Model Tests and Microstructural Analyses&Z.H.Wang,J.Zhou and X.L.Chen522

Seismic Response of Geosynthetic-reinforced and Pile-supported Embankment Due to Oblique Incidence of Seismic Waves&F.Wang,G.Y.Gao,F.Liu,X.J.Gao,G.Shi and T.H.Zhou530

Author Index536
