
英语分解式词汇表 活的记忆法【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

英语分解式词汇表 活的记忆法
  • 张伯棣等编 著
  • 出版社: 商务印书馆香港分馆
  • ISBN:
  • 出版时间:1971
  • 标注页数:327页
  • 文件大小:21MB
  • 文件页数:354页
  • 主题词:


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A-1 abl,abil=capable1

A-2 acid=sour1

A-3 acri,acrid=sharp1

A-4 act=to drive,to do1

A-5 aer,aeri,aero=air3

A-6 agon=contest4

A-7 agr,agro,egr,gr=field,land4

A-8 alt,haught=high5

A-9 alter,ali=to change,other6

A-10 angle=angle6

A-11 an?m=breath,life,mind6

A-12 ann,enn=year7

A-13 annul=ring8

A-14 ante,anti,ant,anc=before,old8

A-15 ante,anti(as a prefix)=before,old9

A-16 ant,anti(as a prefix)=against9

A-17 apt=fit10

A-18 aqua=water10

A-19 atmo=vapour11

A-20 arch=chief,rule,beginning11

A-21 arch(as a prefix)=chief12

A-22 arm=arm,weapon12

A-23 art=skill13

A-24 aud=to hear13

A-25 auto=self14

A-26 auto(as a prefix)=self14


B-1 ball(1)=to throw,to dance15

B-2 ball(2),bal,bul=ball15

B-3 bas(1)=low15

B-4 base,bas(2)=foundation16

B-5 bat=to beat,fight16

B-6 bell,bel,el=to fight;war16

B-7 bene=well16

B-8 bio=life17

B-9 brief,brev,bridg=short17


C-1 cad,cas,cay,cid=to fall17

C-2 camp=field,plain18

C-3 canal,channel=canal19

C-4 cap=head,chief19

C-5 cap,cip,capt,cupy,cept,ceive=to hold,to take19

C-6 car=car22

C-7 car,carn=flesh22

C-8 cnart,card=paper,pasteboard23

C-9 cav,cag,jail=hollow,hole23

C-10 ced,ceed,cess=to go23

C-11 cent=hundred25

C-12 center,centr=centre25

C-13 cert=sure26

C-14 chron=time26

C-15 cid,cis=to cut,to kill27

C-16 circ,cycl=ring,circle28

C-17 cit=to quote,to summon,to call29

C-18 civ=citizen29

C-19 claim,clam=to cry out,to call out30

C-20 clear,clar,clair=bright,clear30

C-21 clin,cliv=to turn,slope31

C-22 coal,col=coal31

C-23 close,clude=to shut32

C-24 cook,coct,coc=to boil,to ripen32

C-25 cord,cor,cour=heart33

C-26 corp=body34

C-27 court=enclosure34

C-28 cracy(as a suffix)=rule35

C-29 creed,cred=to believe35

C-30 cre,cres,crease,cret=to grow,to make36

C-31 crit=to judge,to decide37

C-32 cross,cruc,cru=cross37

C-33 cult=to till37

C-34 cur,curs,cour=to run38

C-35 cure=care39


D-1 de,div=god40

D-2 deep,dep,div,dimp=deep40

D-3 demo,dem=people41

D-4 dens=to make thick41

D-5 dent=tooth41

D-6 dia=through42

D-7 dic,dict=to speak42

D-8 dign=worthy44

D-9 divid,divis=to divide45

D-10 doc=to teach45

D-11 du,dub,dou=two45

D-12 duc,duct,due=to lead,to bring46

D-13 dur=to last,to continue48


E-1 ego=I48

E-2 emper,empir,imper=to command49

E-3 equ=equal,even49

E-4 err=to wander50

E-5 esse=to be50

E-6 ev=age50

E-7 exter,extr=out51


F-1 fabl,fabul,fabil,fac,fat=to speak51

F-2 fabric=make52

F-3 fac,fic=face52

F-4 fac,fact,fect,fic,fit,facil,facul=to make,to do,to act52

F-5 fall,fail,fault=to err,to deceive56

F-6 fame,fess,fanc=to speak56

F-7 fer=to bring,to bear57

F-8 fest=feast59

F-9 fid=to trust,faith59

F-10 fin=end,boundary60

F-11 firm=firm61

F-12 fix=to fix61

F-13 flam,flagr=to blaze62

F-14 flex,flect=to bend63

F-15 flict=to strike63

F-16 flower,flor,flour=flower64

F-17 flu=to flow64

F-18 forc,fort=strong65

F-19 form=shape66

F-20 fra=to break68

F-21 fug=to flee69

F-22 fuse=to pour69


G-1 gen=birth,kind,race70

G-2 geo=earth,soil71

G-3 ger,gest,gister=to carry,to act72

G-4 gnos,gnor=to know73

G-5 gra,grat,gree=pleasing73

G-6 grad=to step74

G-7 graph,gram,gramo=to write75

G-8 gram?,graph(as a suffix)=to write75

G-9 grav,grief,griev=heavy,burden76

G-10 gress=to step,to proceed77


H-1 habit,hibit=to hold,to dwell78

H-2 haust=to draw78

H-3 heir,here,her=heir79

H-4 her,hes=to stick79

H-5 hon,honor=honour80

H-6 hor,horr=shudder80

H-7 hum=earth,ground80


I-1 idea,ideo=idea81

I-2 iden=same82

I-3 idol=image82

I-4 im=likeness82


J-1 ject=to throw,to cast83

J-2 jour=day84

J-3 jud,judi,jur,juri=right,law,to judge84

J-4 jur,jure=to swear85

J-5 junct,join=to join86


K-1 know=to know87


L-1 labour,labor=to labour,to toil87

L-2 laps=to slip87

L-3 later=side88

L-4 lax,leas=loose88

L-5 lect=to pick up,to choose,to select88

L-6 leg,legis=law89

L-7 letter,liter=letter90

L-8 lib,libr=book90

L-9 liber,liver=free90

L-10 lic=to allow91

L-11 lig,ly=to bind91

L-12 lin=line92

L-13 lith=stone92

L-14 liv=to live93

L-15 loc,low,loco=place93

L-16 log,logy,logu=to speak,word94

L-17 logy(as a suffix)=science,theory95

L-18 long,leng,ling=long97

L-19 loqu,locu=to speak97


M-1 magn,maj,mega,megalo,max=great98

M-2 mal,male=bad,ill99

M-3 mal,male(as a prefix)=bad,ill, not99

M-4 man,main=hand100

M-5 man,main=to stay100

M-6 mand,mend=to entrust,the hand of101

M-7 mar,merc,merch=to trade101

M-8 mar=sea102

M-9 mark=mark102

M-10 mater,metr,matr=mother102

M-11 matur=to ripe103

M-12 med,medic=to heal103

M-13 med,mer,mid,midd=middle104

M-14 memor,member=to mention105

M-15 mend=to free from fault105

M-16 ment,mind=the mind,to think105

M-17 mens,meas,metr,metre,meter,met=measure,manner106

M-18 merge=to sink107

M-19 mess,miss,mit=to send,to cast108

M-20 migrate=to remove110

M-21 milit=soldier,fight110

M-22 min=project111

M-23 mini,min=petty,small,less111

M-24 mir=to wonder112

M-25 mix=to mix112

M-26 mon,monit=to warn113

M-27 mono=single113

M-28 mono(as a prefix)=one114

M-29 monstr=to show114

M-30 mor=manner,custom115

M-31 mort=death115

M-32 mod,mould=manner,measure115

M-33 mount,mont=to ascend117

M-34 mov,mob,mot=to move118

M-35 muni,mon=public service119

M-36 multi=many120

M-37 multi(as a prefix)=many120

M-38 muse=muse121

M-39 mut=to change121


N-1 name,nomer,nomin,onym=name122

N-2 nat=born123

N-3 nav,naut=ship124

N-4 nect,nex=to bind125

N-5 neg,ni=to deny125

N-6 neuter,neutr,neither=neither125

N-7 nihil=nothing126

N-8 noc,nox=to hurt126

N-9 nomy=arrange,law126

N-10 norm=a rule,a type,a model126

N-11 not,nobl=to know,a mark127

N-12 nounce,nunci=to speak,to report128

N-13 nour,nutri=to feed128

N-14 nov=new129

N-15 number,numer=number,to ?ount129


O-1 omni=all130

O-2 oper=to work130

O-3 opt=to wish,to choose131

O-4 opt=sight,light131

O-5 optim=best131

O-6 or=mouth,to speak131

O-7 or,orig=to rise,beginning132

O-8 order,ordin=order132

O-9 orn=to deck,to beautify133


P-1 pact=an agreement134

P-2 pain,pen,pent,pun=pain,penalty134

P-3 pair,par,pare=equal135

P-4 para(1)=to ward off135

P-5 para(2)=beside,alongside135

P-6 pare=to get ready,to prepare136

P-7 part,pars,parc,port=part,divide,separate136

P-8 pass=to pass138

P-9 pati,pass=to suffer,to bear139

P-10 pater,patr,patri=father,fatherland140

P-11 path,patho=feeling,suffering140

P-12 pear,par=to come in sight141

P-13 ped=foot142

P-14 pel,pul=to drive142

P-15 pend=to hang143

P-16 pend,pond,pens,pound=to weigh,lay out144

P-17 peri=to try,trial145

P-18 pessim=worst146

P-19 pet=to ask,to seek146

P-20 phon=sound147

P-21 photo=light148

P-22 pil,pill=pillar,heap148

P-23 pill,pile=plunder148

P-24 pilf=steal149

P-25 pit,pi=to pity149

P-26 place=place149

P-27 plain,plan,plank=flat,evident150

P-28 plant=plant150

P-29 plaud=to clap hands151

P-30 pleas,plais,plac=to please151

P-31 plen,ply,pli,pie=full,to fill151

P-32 plex=to plait152

P-33 ply,plic=to fold153

P-34 point,punct=to make sharp end154

P-35 polit,polic=city,state154

P-36 pos=to rest,to place155

P-37 posit,pon,pound=to put,to set156

P-38 popul,publ=people158

P-39 port(1)=to carry159

P-40 port(2)=harbour160

P-41 post=after,behind161

P-42 possi,potent=able,powerful161

P-43 prehen=to catch,to seize161

P-44 press(1),prim,print=to press162

P-45 press(2)=to force,to serve164

P-46 pric,priz,prais,preci=price,value164

P-47 prim,prin,prem=first,chief165

P-48 priv=to make single or apart165

P-49 priz,pris=to take,to seize166

P-50 proach,proxim=near166

P-51 proper,propr,propri=proper,one's own167

P-52 prov,prob=to test,to esteem168

P-53 pugn=fight168

P-54 pur=pure169

P-55 pute=think,make clear169


Q-1 quaint=know170

Q-2 quali=of what kind170

Q-3 quest,quir,quis,quer=to search,to seek171

Q-4 quick=moving,lively172

Q-5 quiet=at rest172

Q-6 quit=free173


R-1 radic=root173

R-2 range=to rank173

R-3 ration=to reckon,to reason174

R-4 ray=to get ready174

R-5 rect,reg=to rule174

R-6 rig=stiff175

R-7 riv=river,river bank175

R-8 rog=to ask175

R-9 root=root176

R-10 rupt=to break176


S-1 sati,satur=enough,full177

S-2 sav,salv,saf=to save177

S-3 sail,sult,ult=to leap,to rush out177

S-4 san=sound178

S-5 scend,scens,cend,scent=to climb179

S-6 sci=to know179

S-7 scrib,script=to write180

S-8 sect,seg,sic=to cut,to divide181

S-9 sens,scent,sent=to feel,to think183

S-10 sequ,sue,secu=to follow184

S-11 sert=to join,to add185

S-12 serve=to serve,to keep,to heed185

S-13 sess,sid=to sit,to settle186

S-14 set=to set,to place,to fix187

S-15 side=side188

S-16 sight=vision,to see188

S-17 sign=mark189

S-18 simi,sem,sym,syn=like,same together190

S-19 sinu=curve,bend192

S-20 sist=to stand192

S-21 soci=to associate,companion193

S-22 sol=alone,lone194

S-23 solv,solu=to loosen194

S-24 soph=wise195

S-25 sort=kind196

S-26 speci=a look,a kind196

S-27 spect,pect spi,specul=to look,to see197

S-28 sperse=to scatter199

S-29 spir,pir=to breathe199

S-30 spond=to promise200

S-31 sta,stan,stant,stat,stin=to stand201

S-32 still=to fall by drops202

S-33 stitut,stit=to set up,to place203

S-34 stow=to place204

S-35 stock=a post,to store204

S-36 strain,strict,stringe,stige=to pull,to tighten204

S-37 stratum=layer,bed205

S-38 sum=to add up,total205

S-39 sume=to take206

S-40 super,sur=above206

S-41 super(as a prefix)=above207

S-42 sur=sure,safe207

S-43 struct,stru,story=to build,to pile up208

S-44 stuff=to fill full209

S-45 suade=to advise209

S-46 sunder=to part209


T-1 tail=to cut210

T-2 tain=to hold210

T-3 tect=to cover211

T-4 tele=far211

T-5 tempo=time212

T-6 tempt=to try213

T-7 ten,tin=to hold213

T-8 tend,tent,tens=to stretch,to move forward213

T-9 term=limit,boundary214

T-10 terr,terra=earth,ground215

T-11 test=to witness215

T-12 toler=to bear216

T-13 tort,tor=to twist216

T-14 touch=to touch,to reach217

T-15 tour=turn217

T-16 tract=to draw217

T-17 treat=to draw,to handle219

T-18 tribute=to give219

T-19 tru,trust=true,to believe220

T-20 trude=to push220

T-21 twist=twist220

T-22 twine=twine221


U-1 uni,un=one221

U-2 uni(as a prefix)=one222

U-3 urb=city222

U-4 us,util=to use223


V-1 vac,van,vo?d=empty224

V-2 vade=to go225

V-3 vag,vagr,vaga=to wander225

V-4 vail,value=to be strong,to be worth225

V-5 vary,var=to change,to diverse227

V-6 venge=to claim,to punish227

V-7 ven,vene,veni,vent=to come227

V-8 vers,vert=to turn,round229

V-9 vi,voy,via=way232

V-10 vict,vinc=to conquer233

V-11 vis,vid,vey=to see234

V-12 viv,vit,vig=to live,life235

V-13 voc,vok=to call,voice237

V-14 vol,volunt=wish238

V-15 volv,volt,volu=to roll,to turn239


W-1 wan=to lack,to decrease240

W-2 wis,wit=to know240


Z-1 zoo=animal241
