

  • 浩瀚,(美)ScottTurner主编 著
  • 出版社: 北京:石油工业出版社
  • ISBN:9787502173999
  • 出版时间:2010
  • 标注页数:352页
  • 文件大小:96MB
  • 文件页数:368页
  • 主题词:英语-听说教学-自学参考资料


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January Daily Life日常生活1

Jan.1st New Year's Day元旦1

Jan.4th At the Outpatient Department在门诊部2

Jan.5th At the Outpatient Department在门诊部3

Jan.6th Examining and Diagnosing检查诊断4

Jan.7th Examining and Diagnosing检查诊断5

Jan.8th Operation and Hospitalization手术住院6

Jan.9th Operation and Hospitalization手术住院7

Jan.10th Visiting a Patient探望病人8

Jan.11th Visiting a Patient探望病人9

Jan.12th Opening an Account开立账户10

Jan.13th Opening an Account开立账户11

Jan.14th Deposit and Withdrawal存取款12

Jan.15th Deposit and Withdrawal存取款13

Jan.16th Credit Card信用卡14

Jan.17th Credit Card信用卡15

Jan.18th Loans贷款16

Jan.19th Loans贷款17

Jan.20th Sending Letters寄信18

Jan.21st Sending Letters寄信19

Jan.22nd Parcel Post寄包裹20

Jan.23rd Parcel Post寄包裹21

Jan.24th At the Cleaners'在洗衣房22

Jan.25th At the Cleaners'在洗衣房23

Jan.26th Haircut and Shave理发修面24

Jan.27th Haircut and Shave理发修面25

Jan.28th At the Hairdresser's美容美发26

Jan.29th At the Hairdresser's美容美发27

Jan.30th 自我检测(一)28

Jan.31th 自我检测(二)29

February Number Test数字训练31

Feb.1st Age年龄31

Feb.2nd Age年龄32

Feb.3rd Time时间33

Feb.4th Time时间34

Feb.5th Date日期35

Feb.6th Date日期36

Feb.7th Year年份37

Feb.8th Year年份38

Feb.9th Week星期39

Feb.10th Week星期40

Feb.11th Price价格41

Feb.12th Price价格42

Feb.14th Spring Festival春节43

Feb.20th Telephone Number电话号码44

Feb.21st Telephone Number电话号码45

Feb.22nd Decimal小数46

Feb.23rd Decimal小数47

Feb.24th Percent百分数48

Feb.25th Percent百分数49

Feb.26th Others其他50

Feb.27th Others其他51

Feb.28th 自我检测52

March Housing住宿起居54

Mar.1st Looking for a House寻找房源54

Mar.2nd Looking for a House寻找房源55

Mar.3rd Showing around the House看房56

Mar.4th Showing around the House看房57

Mar.5th Sign the Least签订协议58

Mar.6th Sign the Least签订协议59

Mar.7th Buying a House买房60

Mar.8th Buying a House买房61

Mar.9th Moving into a New House乔迁之喜62

Mar.10th Moving into a New House乔迁之喜63

Mar.11th Decoration装修64

Mar.12th Decoration装修65

Mar.13th Booking a Room预订房间66

Mar.14th Booking a Room预订房间67

Mar.15th Check-in入住宾馆68

Mar.16th Check-in入住宾馆69

Mar.17th Delivering Luggage提送行李70

Mar.18th Delivering Luggage提送行李71

Mar.19th Giving Information提供资讯72

Mar.20th Giving Information提供资讯73

Mar.21st Phone Service电话服务74

Mar.22nd Phone Service电话服务75

Mar.23rd Wake-up Call唤醒服务76

Mar.24th Wake-up Call唤醒服务77

Mar.25th Housekeeping客房服务78

Mar.26th Housekeeping客房服务79

Mar.27th Complaining of Service投诉服务80

Mar.28th Complaining of Service投诉服务81

Mar.29th Check-out结账离店82

Mar.30th Check-out结账离店83

Mar.31st 自我检测84

April Eating and Drinking饮食文化86

Apr.1st Ordering Tables预订86

Apr.2nd Ordering Tables预订87

Apr.3rd Taking Orders点菜88

Apr.4th Taking Orders点菜89

Apr.5th Tomb Sweeping Day清明节90

Apr.8th Chinese Food中餐91

Apr.9th Chinese Food中餐92

Apr.10th Western Food西餐93

Apr.11th Western Food西餐94

Apr.12th Fast Food快餐95

Apr.13th Fast Food快餐96

Apr.14th Buffet自助餐97

Apr.15th Buffet自助餐98

Apr.16th Alcoholic Drinks酒品小尝99

Apr.17th Alcoholic Drinks酒品小尝100

Apr.18th Coffee and Tea咖啡和茶101

Apr.19th Coffee and Tea咖啡和茶102

Apr.20th Dessert甜点103

Apr.21st Dessert甜点104

Apr.22nd Paying the Bill付账105

Apr.23rd Paying the Bill付账106

Apr.24th On Diet节食107

Apr.25th On Diet节食108

Apr.26th Eating in the Canteen食堂就餐109

Apr.27th Eating in the Canteen食堂就餐110

Apr.28th Table Manners用餐礼仪111

Apr.29th Table Manners用餐礼仪112

Apr.30th 自我检测113

May Daily Communication日常交际114

May 1st Labor's Day劳动节114

May 4th Introduction介绍115

May 5th Introduction介绍116

May 6th Invitation邀请117

May 7th Invitation邀请118

May 8th Visiting拜访119

May 9th Visiting拜访120

May 10th Hospitality款待121

May 11th Hospitality款待122

May 12th Parting道别123

May 13th Parting道别124

May 14th Congratulations祝贺125

May 15th Congratulations祝贺126

May 16th Thanks致谢127

May 17th Thanks致谢128

May 18th Apologies道歉129

May 19th Apologies道歉130

May 20th Encouragement鼓励131

May 21st Encouragement鼓励132

May 22nd Compliments赞美133

May 23rd Compliments赞美134

May 24th Advice建议135

May 25th Advice建议136

May 26th Request请求137

May 27th Request请求138

May 28th Complaints抱怨139

May 29th Complaints抱怨140

May 30th 自我检测(一)141

May 31st 自我检测(二)142

June Entertainment Indoors室内娱乐144

Jun.1st Movies电影144

Jun.2nd Movies电影145

Jun.3rd Television电视146

Jun.4th Television电视147

Jun.5th Enjoying the Music欣赏音乐148

Jun.6th Enjoying the Music欣赏音乐149

Jun.7th Enjoying the Drama戏剧欣赏150

Jun.8th Enjoying the Drama戏剧欣赏151

Jun.9th At KTV在KTV152

Jun.10th At KTV在KTV153

Jun.11th Classical Literature古典文学154

Jun.12th Classical Literature古典文学155

Jun.13th Newspaper and Magazine报纸杂志156

Jun.14th Newspaper and Magazine报纸杂志157

Jun.15th Surfing on the Internet网上冲浪158

Jun.16th he Dragon Boat Festival端午节159

Jun.19th Surfing on the Internet网上冲浪160

Jun.20th Playing Chess and Cards棋牌娱乐161

Jun.21st Playing Chess and Cards棋牌娱乐162

Jun.22nd Hobbies兴趣爱好163

Jun.23rd Hobbies兴趣爱好164

Jun.24th Raising Pets饲养宠物165

Jun.25th Raising Pets饲养宠物166

Jun.26th Birthday Party生日聚会167

Jun.27th Birthday Party生日聚会168

Jun.28th Joining a Dancing Party参加舞会169

Jun.29th Joining a Dancing Party参加舞会170

Jun.30th 自我检测171

July Doing Exercise户外锻炼173

Jul.1st Out-door Exercise户外锻炼173

Jul.2nd Out-door Exercise户外锻炼174

Jul.3rd Camping野营175

Jul.4th Camping野营176

Jul.5th Picnic野餐177

Jul.6th Picnic野餐178

Jul.7th An Outing in the Country郊游179

Jul.8th An Outing in the Country郊游180

Jul.9th Climbing Mountains登山181

Jul.10th Climbing Mountains登山182

Jul.11th Extreme Sports极限运动183

Jul.12th Extreme Sports极限运动184

Jul.13th Visiting the Park游览公园185

Jul.14th Visiting the Park游览公园186

Jul.15th Football足球187

Jul.16th Football足球188

Jul.17th Basketball篮球189

Jul.18th Basketball篮球190

Jul.19th Tennis网球191

Jul.20th Tennis网球192

Jul.21st Swim游泳193

Jul.22nd Swim游泳194

Jul.23rd Sports on Snow and Ice冰雪运动195

Jul.24th Sports on Snow and Ice冰雪运动196

Jul.25th In a Shop商场购物197

Jul.26th In a Shop商场购物198

Jul.27th In the Supermarket超市选购199

Jul.28th In the Supermarket超市选购200

Jul.29th After-Sale售后服务201

Jul.30th After-Sale售后服务202

Jul.31st 自我检测203

August In the Workplace职场纵横205

Aug.1st Applying for a Job申请工作205

Aug.2nd Applying for a Job申请工作206

Aug.3rd Information of the Position职位信息207

Aug.4th Information of the Position职位信息208

Aug.5th Personal Data个人情况209

Aug.6th Personal Data个人情况210

Aug.7th Educational Background教育背景211

Aug.8th Educational Background教育背景212

Aug.9th Work Experience工作经验213

Aug.10th Work Experience工作经验214

Aug.11th Personality个人特点215

Aug.12th Personality个人特点216

Aug.13th Salary and Benefit薪酬福利217

Aug.14th Salary and Benefit薪酬福利218

Aug.15th Ending an Interview结束面试219

Aug.16th Ending an Interview结束面试220

Aug.17th Going to Work报到上班221

Aug.18th Going to Work报到上班222

Aug.19th Work Communication工作交流223

Aug.20th Work Communication工作交流224

Aug.21st Asking for Leave and Late for Work请假与迟到225

Aug.22nd Asking for Leave and Late for Work请假与迟到226

Aug.23rd Working Overtime and Work Shifts加班与换班227

Aug.24th Working Overtime and Work Shifts加班与换班228

Aug.25th Transferring Department调换部门229

Aug.26th Transferring Department调换部门230

Aug.27th Promotion and Pay Raise升职加薪231

Aug.28th Promotion and Pay Raise升职加薪232

Aug.29th Resignation and Dismissal辞职解雇233

Aug.30th Resignation and Dismissal辞职解雇234

Aug.31st 自我检测235

September Campus Life菁菁校园237

Sep.1st Registration注册入学237

Sep.2nd Registration注册入学238

Sep.3rd In the Class课堂之上239

Sep.4th In the Class课堂之上240

Sep.5th Homework课后作业241

Sep.6th Homework课后作业242

Sep.7th Revision and Examination复习考试243

Sep.8th Revision and Examination复习考试244

Sep.9th At the English Corner在英语角245

Sep.10th At the English Corner在英语角246

Sep.11th Joining a Club社团活动247

Sep.12th Joining a Club社团活动248

Sep.13th At the Library在图书馆249

Sep.14th At the Library在图书馆250

Sep.15th In the Dormitory宿舍花絮251

Sep.16th In the Dormitory宿舍花絮252

Sep.17th Teachers and Students师生情感253

Sep.18th Teachers and Students师生情感254

Sep.19th Part-Time Jobs勤工俭学255

Sep.20th Part-Time Jobs勤工俭学256

Sep.21st Graduation完成学业257

Sep.22nd The Mid-Autumn Day中秋节258

Sep.25th Graduation完成学业259

Sep.26th Study Abroad出国留学260

Sep.27th Study Abroad出国留学261

Sep.28th Talking about School谈论学校262

Sep.29th Talking about School谈论学校263

Sep.30th 自我检测264

October Travelling and Transportation旅游出行265

Oct.1st National Day国庆节265

Oct.8th By Train铁路之旅266

Oct.9th By Train铁路之旅267

Oct.10th By Car乘坐汽车268

Oct.11th By Car乘坐汽车269

Oct.12th Taking a Taxi乘出租车270

Oct.13th Taking a Taxi乘出租车271

Oct.14th On a Bus乘公交车272

Oct.15th On a Bus乘公交车273

Oct.16th Making a Plane Reservation预订机票274

Oct.17th Making a Plane Reservation预订机票275

Oct.18th Travelling by Air飞机旅行276

Oct.19th Travelling by Air飞机旅行277

Oct.20th Planning the Tour旅行计划278

Oct.21st Planning the Tour旅行计划279

Oct.22nd Natural Scenery自然风光280

Oct.23rd Natural Scenery自然风光281

Oct.24th Place of Interest名胜古迹282

Oct.25th Place of Interest名胜古迹283

Oct.26th Sight of Cities都市景观284

Oct.27th Sight of Cities都市景观285

Oct.28th Views of the World世界风光286

Oct.29th Views of the World世界风光287

Oct.30th 自我检测(一)288

Oct.31st 自我检测(二)289

November Hot Topics时尚话题291

Nov.1st Talking about Weather谈论天气291

Nov.2nd Talking about Weather谈论天气292

Nov.3rd Talking about Environment谈论环境293

Nov.4th Talking about Environment谈论环境294

Nov.5th Talking about People谈论他人295

Nov.6th Talking about People谈论他人296

Nov.7th Yoga瑜伽297

Nov.8th Yoga瑜伽298

Nov.9th Nightlife夜生活299

Nov.10th Nightlife夜生活300

Nov.11th Fans of Stars追星一族301

Nov.12th Fans of Stars追星一族302

Nov.13th Digital Era数字时代303

Nov.14th Digital Era数字时代304

Nov.15th Scientific Technology科学技术305

Nov.16th Scientific Technology科学技术306

Nov.17th Olympic Games奥运风云307

Nov.18th Olympic Games奥运风云308

Nov.19th Contemporary Education现代教育309

Nov.20th Contemporary Education现代教育310

Nov.21st Social Order社会秩序311

Nov.22nd Social Order社会秩序312

Nov.23rd Finance and Economy财经视点313

Nov.24th Finance and Economy财经视点314

Nov.25th Medical Service医疗服务315

Nov.26th Medical Service医疗服务316

Nov.27th Social Issues社会聚焦317

Nov.28th Social Issues社会聚焦318

Nov.29th 自我检测(一)319

Nov.30th 自我检测(二)320

December Emotions情感世界322

Dec.1st Talking about Opposite Sex谈论异性322

Dec.2nd Talking about Opposite Sex谈论异性323

Dec.3rd Infatuated with the Chase追求324

Dec.4th Infatuated with the Chase追求325

Dec.5th Dating约会326

Dec.6th Dating约会327

Dec.7th Emotional Crisis感情危机328

Dec.8th Emotional Crisis感情危机329

Dec.9th About Marriage谈婚论嫁330

Dec.10th About Marriage谈婚论嫁331

Dec.11th Between Couples夫妻之间332

Dec.12th Between Couples夫妻之间333

Dec.13th Between Generations两代之间334

Dec.14th Between Generations两代之间335

Dec.15th Family Members家庭成员336

Dec.16th Family Members家庭成员337

Dec.17th Friendship知音之情338

Dec.18th Friendship知音之情339

Dec.19th Likes喜欢340

Dec.20th Likes喜欢341

Dec.21st Dislikes不喜欢342

Dec.22nd Dislikes不喜欢343

Dec.23rd Happiness高兴344

Dec.24th Happiness高兴345

Dec.25th Unhappy不高兴346

Dec.26th Unhappy不高兴347

Dec.27th Surprise惊奇348

Dec.28th Surprise惊奇349

Dec.29th Worries担心350

Dec.30th Worries担心351

Dec.31st 自我检测352
