高分子材料科学 高分子材料机械性质 第3版【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

- 林建中编著 著
- 出版社: 新文京开发出版股份有限公司
- ISBN:978986156005
- 出版时间:2007
- 标注页数:389页
- 文件大小:50MB
- 文件页数:404页
- 主题词:
高分子材料科学 高分子材料机械性质 第3版PDF格式电子书版下载
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第一章 高分子材料的工程性质(Engineering Properties of Polymer Materials)1
1-1 机械的性质(Mechanical Properties)1
1-1-1 绪论(introduction)1
1-1-2 应力一应变曲线(Stress-Strain Curves)3
1-1-3 泊松比(Poisson’s Ratio)8
1-1-4 韧性(Toughness)11
1-1-5 疲劳(Fatigue)13
1-1-6 硬度(Hardness)14
1-1-7 结论(Conclusion)15
1-2 热的性质(Thermal Properties)19
1-2-1 绪论(Introduction)19
1-2-2 热膨胀(Thermal Expansion)20
1-2-3 热容量(Heat Capacity)22
1-2-4 热传导率(Thermal Conductivity)22
1-2-5 融熔范围,玻璃转移温度及软化点(Melting range,Glass transition temperature and Softening point)26
第二章 高分子材料性能通论(General Characteristics of High PolymerMaterials)35
2-1 高分子本质与型式(Nature and Type of Polymers)35
2-1-1 结晶性聚体(Crystalline Polymers)36
2-1-2 橡胶与合成弹性体(Rubber and Synthetic Elastomers)42
2-1-3 热塑性塑胶(Thermoplastics)42
2-1-4 热固性塑胶(Thesniosetting Plastics)43
2-1-5 纤维及定向薄膜(Fiber and Oriented Film)44
2-2 破坏之模型及主要机械参数(Modes of Failure and Significant MechanicalParameters)45
2-2-1 温度的影响(Effects of Temperature)45
2-2-2 静态强度之考虑(Static Strength Consideration)48
2-2-3 挺性之检讨(Stiffness Consideration)49
2-2-4 应变之检讨(Strain Consideration)49
2-2-5 冲击负荷之影响(Effects of Impact Loading)51
2-2-6 时间之影响(Effect of Time)51
2-2-7 反复负荷之影响(Effects of Repeated Loading)52
第三章 固态高分子之黏弹性(Viscoelasticity of Solid Polymers)55
3-1 机械模式(Mechanical Models)55
3-1-1 蠕变行为之预示(Predicted Creep Behavior)58
3-1-2 应力松弛之预示(Predicted Stress Relaxation)63
3-1-3 动态负荷—内部摩擦(Dynamic Loading-Internal Friction)66
3-2 模式预测和实验观察之比较(Comparison of Predicted andObserved Behavior)72
3-2-1 蠕变现象(Creep Phenomena)72
3-2-2 应力松弛现象及黏弹性行为范围76
3-2-3 动态行为(Dynamic Behavior)80
3-2-4 松弛现象的动态方法(Dynamic Method for Relaxation Studies)91
3-3 时间—温度重叠和WLF方程式(Time-Tempera-ture Correspendence andThe WLF Equation)96
第四章 固态高分子之弹性与变形(Elasticity and Deformation of Solid Polymers)107
4-1 橡胶似材料之弹性(Elasticity of Rubberlike Materials)107
4-1-1 弹性之统计学处理(Stastical Treatment)108
4-1-2 弹性体之应力—应变行为(Stress-Strain Behavior)113
4-1-3 弹性之热力学处理(Thermodynamic Treatment)115
4-2 向同性固体在应力组合状态下之应力—应变关系(Stress-Strain Relation for IsotropicSolids under Combined State of Stress)120
4-2-1 应力(Stress)121
4-2-2 应变(Strain)122
4-2-3 应力与应变之关系(Relationship between Stress and Strain)126
第五章 高分子塑性及降服理论(Plasticity and Theories of Yielding of Polymers)135
5-1 应力—应变曲线之理想化(Idealization of Stress-Strain Curves)135
5-2 负荷表面(Loading Surface)137
5-3 Tresca氏降服规律(Tresca Yield Criteria)138
5-4 von Mises氏降服规律(von Mises Criteria)139
5-5 压力依赖降服行为(Pressure-Dependent Yield Behavior)141
5-6 裂痕规律及正规应力降服(Craze Criteria and Normal Stress Yielding)145
5-6-1 裂痕降服(Craze Yielding)145
5-6-2 裂痕规律(Craze Criteria)147
第六章 高分子之破坏现象(Fracture Phenomena in Polymers)153
6-1 断裂及脆性破坏之理论(Theories of Rupture and Brittle Fracture)153
6-1-1 破坏(Fracture)153
6-1-2 延性—脆性转移(Ductile-Brittle Transitions)155
6-1-3 脆性破壊和缺陷(Brittle Fracture and Flaws)158
6-2 线性弹性破坏力学(Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics)164
6-2-1 破坏韧性(Fracture Toughness)164
6-2-2 敲裂生长(Crack Propagation)168
6-2-3 疲劳(Fatigue)171
6-2-4 环境破坏(Environmental Fracture)173
6-2-5 分子破坏程序(Molecular Failure Processes)176
6-2-6 橡胶材料之撒裂(Tearing of Rubbers)179
第七章 高分子复合材料(Polymer Composite Materials)185
7-1 复合材料概念(Concept of Composite Materials)185
7-2 纤维强化材(Reinforcing Fibers)191
7-2-1 碳化硅纤维(Silicon Carbide)192
7-2-2 氧化铝纤维(Aluminum Oxide)192
7-2-3 石墨纤维(Graphite)194
7-2-4 硼纤维(Boron)198
7-2-5 金属纤维(Metalic Fibers)199
7-2-6 有机纤维(Organic Fibers)200
7-2-7 玻璃纤维(Glass Fibers)204
7-3 高分子复合材料之机械性质(Mechanical Properties of PolymerComposite Materials)206
7-3-1 拉伸强度及压缩强度(Tensile Strength and Compressive Strength)206
7-3-2 弹性模数(Modulus of Elasticity)215
7-3-3 冲击强度(Impact Strength)219
7-4 夹层板之应力与挺性理论(Stress and Stiffness of a Laminate)223
7-4-1 夹层板之挺性(Stiffness of Laminates)223
7-4-2 夹层板的强度(Strength of Laminates)231
第八章 高分子流变学(Rheology of Polymers)241
8-1 导论(Introduction)241
8-2 黏度之测定法(Viscosity Measurements)247
8-2-1 毛细管型流变仪(Capillary Rheometer)247
8-2-2 秤锤—液杯型流变仪(Bob-and-Cup Rheometer)252
8-2-3 圆锥—平板流变仪(Cone-and-Plate Rheometer)254
8-2-4 圆盘—平板型流变仪(Disk-Plate Rheometer)255
8-3 温度,分子量及压力的影响(Influence of Temperature,Molecular Weight and Pressure)257
8-3-1 温度的影响(Temperature Dependency)257
8-3-2 分子量的影响(Molecular Weight Dependency)260
8-3-3 压力的影响(Pressure Dependency)261
8-4 拟塑性流动之乘幂法则模式(The Power-law Model for PseudoPlastic Flow)262
8-5 聚体融体之特殊流动性质(Special Flow Characteristics of MoltenPolymers)265
8-6 拟塑流体之真正流动曲线(True Flow Curves for Pseudoplastic Fluids)267
附录一 国际单位表The International System of Units(SI)273
附录二 单位换算表Survey of Conversion Factors277
附录三 重要高分子材料之符号及中译Code Symbols For The Most Important Polymers289
附录四 习题详解297
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