

  • 赵岩编著 著
  • 出版社: 上海:复旦大学出版社
  • ISBN:730903869X
  • 出版时间:2004
  • 标注页数:354页
  • 文件大小:38MB
  • 文件页数:373页
  • 主题词:英语-语法-高等学校-自学参考资料


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Unit One:Introduction2

1 Orientation2

1.1 Words to Learners2

1.2 Regarding Rules of Grammar3

1.3 A Happy Median7

E1 Exercises for Introduction9

2 English—Indebted,Prestigious and Unpredictable11

2.1 The Indebted Status of English:Three Periods of Language Development11

2.2 The Prestigious Status of English14

2.3 The Unpredictable Status of English:A Poetic Complaint16

2.4 A Gracious Attitude19

E2 Exercises for Introduction19

Unit Two:Parts of Speech24

3 Seven Word Classes of English24

3.1 Seven Parts of Speech:A Table24

3.2 Common Word Order and Positions25

3.3 Identifying Parts of Speech26

E3 Exercises for Parts of Speech27

4 English Nouns29

4.1 The Naming Function of Nouns30

4.2 Concrete versus Abstract Nouns30

4.3 Countable versus Uncountable Nouns31

4.4 Common versus Proper Nouns32

4.5 Collective Nouns33

4.6 Regular versus Irregular Nouns34

4.7 Irregular Nouns and Their Erratic Spellings36

4.8 Useful Noun-Making Suffixes37

E4 Exercises for Nouns42

5 English Pronouns45

5.1 Pronouns versus Nouns45

5.2 Personal Pronouns46

5.3 Possessive Pronouns46

5.4 Reflexive Pronouns47

5.5 Demonstrative Pronouns49

5.6 Indefinite Pronouns49

5.7 Interrogative Pronouns51

5.8 Relative Pronouns52

5.9 Expletive Pronouns53

5.10 Reciprocal Pronouns53

E5 Exercises for Pronouns54

6 English Verbs57

6.1 Analyzing Verbs in a Quotation57

6.2 The Importance of Verbs58

6.3 Various Attributes of English Verbs59

6.4 Transitive versus Intransitive Verbs60

6.5 Regular versus Irregular Verbs62

6.6 Action,Linking and Helping Verbs64

6.7 Verbs as Tense Markers68

6.8 Productive Verb-Making Affixes73

E6 Exercises for Verbs75

7 English Adjectives78

7.1 Semantic Functions of Adjectives78

7.2 Attributive versus Predicative Adjectives80

7.3 Regular versus Irregular Adjectives81

7.4 The Comparative and Superlative Degrees of Adjectives81

7.5 The Gradable Status of Adjectives84

7.6 Nominal,Phrasal,and Sentential Adjectives86

7.7 Productive Adjective-Making Affixes88

E7 Exercises for Adjectives92

8 English Adverbs96

8.1 The Modifying Capability of Adverbs96

8.2 The Semantic Coverage of Adverbs98

8.3 The Mobility of Adverbs99

8.4 Conjunctive Adverbs101

8.5 The Adverb-Making Suffix:-ly102

E8 Exercises for Adverbs103

9 English Prepositions106

9.1 Attributes of Prepositions106

9.2 Single-Word Prepositions108

9.3 Fixed Prepositional Phrases109

9.4 Non-Fixed Prepositional Phrases111

9.5 Grammatical Functions of Prepositional Phrases111

E9 Exercises for Prepositions112

10 English Conjunctions115

10.1 Coordinating Conjunctions116

10.2 Correlative Conjunctions117

10.3 Subordinating Conjunctions118

10.4 Conjunctions versus Conjunctive Adverbs119

E10 Exercises for Conjunctions120

Unit Three:Controlling Word-Level Errors124

11 Wrong Verb Form:V124

11.1 Confusing Irregular and Regular Verbs124

11.2 Confusing Past Participial and Perfect Verb Forms125

11.3 How to Tackle Wrong Verb Forms125

E11 Exercises against Wrong Verb Form126

12 Wrong Pronoun:P129

12.1 Confusing the Two Pronoun Cases130

12.2 Confusing the Two Types of Possessive Pronouns132

12.3 Confusing the Two Types of Relative Pronouns133

12.4 Confusing the Two Types of Reciprocal Pronouns135

E12 Exercises against Wrong Pronoun136

13 Faulty Pronoun Reference:PR137

13.1 Pronouns with No Antecedent138

13.2 Pronouns with More Than One Antecedent139

13.3 Pronouns with an Unqualified Antecedent141

13.4 Pronouns with an Incompatible Antecedent142

E13 Exercises against Faulty Pronoun Reference143

14 Wrong Possessive Form:Pos145

14.1 A Test for the Possessive Case146

14.2 Rules Governing the Possessive Case147

14.3 Possessive Pronouns versus Contracted Words149

14.4 Key Points about the Possessive Form151

E14 Exercises against Wrong Possessive Form152

15 Wrong Spelling:Sp155

15.1 Useful Spelling Rules156

15.2 (More)Ways to Improve Your Spelling158

E15 Exercises against Wrong Spelling159

16 Wrong Word Choice:W165

16.1 Understanding Wrong Word Choices165

16.2 Confusing Words that Sound Alike166

16.3 Confusing Words that Look Alike166

16.4 Misunderstanding a Word168

16.5 Being Careless169

E16 Exercises against Wrong Word Choice170

Unit Four:Controlling Sentence-Level Errors174

17 Requirements for a Correct English Sentence174

17.1 The Subject174

17.2 The Predicate175

17.3 More on the Defining Requirements176

E17 Exercises for the Correct Sentence177

18 Fragment:Frag179

18.1 The Unsettling Effect of Fragments179

18.2 Purposeful versus Purposeless Fragments181

18.3 Causes of Fragments and Their Solutions182

E18 Exercises against Fragment184

19 Fused Sentence:FS187

19.1 Overt Fused Sentences and Their Solutions189

19.2 Covert Fused Sentences and Their Solutions190

E19 Exercises against Fused Sentence192

20 Comma Splice:CS194

20.1 The Cause of Comma Splices195

20.2 Ways to Avoid Comma Splices195

E20 Exercises against Comma Splice201

21 Misplaced Modifiers:MM203

21.1 Modi fier Defined and Classified204

21.2 Understanding Misplaced Modifiers205

21.3 The Rule against Misplaced Modifiers206

E21 Exercises against Misplaced Modifier206

22 Dangling Modifiers:DM209

22.1 Understanding Dangling Modifiers209

22.2 The DM Rule against Dangling Modifiers210

22.3 Ways to Correct Dangling Modifiers211

E22 Exercises against Dangling Modifier213

Unit Five:Controlling Inconsistency-Based Errors213

23 Subject-Verb Disagreement:S-V218

23.1 Common Situations behind S-V Errors218

23.2 Ways to Correct S-V Errors219

E23 Exercises against Subject-Verb Disagreement234

24 Number Disagreement:#Ag237

24.1 Analyzing Number Disagreement Errors238

24.2 Analyzing Writers Who Make Number Disagreement Errors240

24.3 Ways to Control Number Disagreement Errors241

E24 Exercises against Number Disagreement243

25 Number Shift:#S244

25.1 The Problem with Number Shift Errors245

25.2 How to Be Politically Correct Without Being Illogical246

E25 Exercises against Number Shift249

26 Pronoun Shift:PS253

26.1 A Pronoun Shift that Grants Telepathic Power253

26.2 Reasons for Avoiding Pronoun Shifts254

26.3 How to Fix Pronoun Shifts255

26.4 A Contrastive Look at Personal Pronouns256

E26 Exercises against Pronoun Shift259

27 Tense Shift:TS261

27.1 The Various Kinds of Tenses261

27.2 Problems with Tense Shifts263

27.3 Analyzing Tense Shifts263

27.4 Ways to Control Tense Shifts264

27.5 Acceptable Cases for Tense Shifts265

E27 Exercises against Tense Shift266

28 Mood Shift:MS269

28.1 Understanding the Four Mood Types269

28.2 Understanding Mood Shifts275

28.3 How to Control Mood Shifts276

E28 Exercises against Mood Shift278

29 Voice Shift:VS280

29.1 Active Voice versus Passive Voice281

29.2 Understanding Voice Shifts282

29.3 How to Control Voice Shifts283

29.4 Situations that Need Passive Voice285

29.5 Using Both Voices Meaningfully286

E29 Exercises against Voice Shift288

Unit Six:Controlling the English Punctuation292

30 An Overview of English Punctuation292

30.1 The Semantic Importance of Punctuation292

30.2 A Unique Quote on Punctuation293

30.3 Classifying Punctuation Marks294

E30 Exercises for Overview294

31 Ending Punctuation Marks296

31.1 The Period(.)296

31.2 The Exclamation Mark(!)296

31.3 The Question Mark(?)297

31.4 Modeling the Professional299

E31 Exercises for Ending Punctuation Marks299

32 Non-Ending Punctuation Marks300

32.1 The Comma(,)301

32.2 The Colon(:)305

32.3 The Semicolon(;)309

32.4 The Dash(—)312

32.5 Modeling the Professional315

E32 Exercises for Non-Ending Punctuation Marks317

33 Pairing Punctuation Marks321

33.1 The Double Quotation Marks(" ")322

33.2 The Single Quotation Marks(' ')324

33.3 The Parentheses[( )]325

33.4 Modeling the Professional327

E33 Exercises for Pairing Punctuatior Marks328

E34 Exercises for General Punctuation Control329


Diagnostic Test 1335

Diagnostic Test 2337

Progress Test 1—Word339

Progress Test 2—Verb341

Progress Test 3—Sentence343

Progress Test 4—Punctuation345

Progress Test 5—General347

Progress Test 6—Bonus349

Final Diagnostic Test350

Keys to Self-Grading Exercises351

Editing Symbols354
