

  • (美)Bob Bonnet,(美)Dan Keen著;徐建,栗小平译 著
  • 出版社: 天津:天津科技翻译出版公司
  • ISBN:7543313340
  • 出版时间:2001
  • 标注页数:188页
  • 文件大小:7MB
  • 文件页数:200页
  • 主题词:英语 物理


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Project 实验项目1

1 Magnetic Water The effect of water on magnetism 导磁的水 水对磁场的影响1

2 A Swinging Good Time Pendulum motion 准时的摆 摆动4

3 Man on a Tight Rope Wave motion 拉着绳子抖动的人 波动8

4 Rub the Right Way Friction and surfaces 合理利用摩擦力 摩擦与表面12

5 The Mighty Mo Momentum:a product of velocity times mass 强有力的瞬间 动量:速度和质量的乘积16

6 Hot Rocks Heat transfer from one medium to another烫手的岩石 热量从一种介质传递到另一种介质20

7 Smaller Is Stronger Testing tensile strength 越短强度越高 抗拉强度实验25

8 Up to Speed Acceleration in a bottle 加快速度 瓶子里的加速度28

9 Bad Manners Heat conduction and heat sinking 坏习惯 热的传导和散热31

10 Watt?Comparing light output and power consumption 是因为瓦数吗?比较发光效率和功率消耗的关系35

11 Room for Brightness Reflected light 让房间更明亮 反射光39

12 Down-Range Shooter Trajectory:curved path through the air 定向射手 轨迹:通过空气的曲线路径43

13 Get a Handle Wheel and axle,a simple mathine 加一个手柄 轮轴是一种简单机械48

14 Balance the Books First-class lever,a simple machine 平衡重物(书) 一类杠杆是一种简单机械52

15 We Are #2 Second-and thrid-class levers 我们就是二类杠杆 二类杠杆和三类杠杆56

16 Bottled Force Kinetic and potential energy 装到瓶子里的力 动能与势能60

17 Water Maker Solar radiation 冰雪融化实验 太阳辐射64

18 An Uphill Battle Kinetic energy and the transfer of energy 上坡比赛 动能和能量的传递68

19 Cellular Can Transmitting sound by vibrating materials 多孔罐 通过介质振动来传输声音72

20 Singin in the Shower Acoustics:the behavior of confined sound 浴室里的合唱 音响效果:受限声音的特性76

21 Ear of the Beholder Pleasant sounds versus“noise” 旁观者的耳朵 悦耳的声音和噪声81

22 The Sound of Time Amplifying sound 报时的声音 声音的放大85

23 Blown Away Fluidics:air flow around shapes 随风飘扬 流体学:各种形状物体周围的气流89

24 Balancing Act Objects at rest tend to stay at rest 平衡作用 静止的物体趋向于一直保持静止93

25 Floating Along Buoyancy:the ability to stay up 漂浮 浮力:浮在上面的能力97

26 Flying in Circles Air friction:sometimes good,sometimes not 团团飞舞 空气的摩擦力:有时是好事,有时却不是101

27 Pop a Treat The physics of popcorm 好开心的爆米花 爆玉米花中的物理学105

28 Unwelcome Gusts Comparing and measuring wind strengths 讨厌的狂风 比较和测量风力109

29 A Lopsided Pinwheel Balancing points of oddly shaped objects 不对称的小风车 形状不规则物体的平衡点113

30 Get the Point Changes affecting surface areas 抓住要点 改变受力的表面积117

31 Break the Beam Exploring some characteristics of light 遮断光线 探索光的某些特性121

32 Now Soft/Now Loud Amplifying sound throught reflection 时而轻柔/时而哄亮 通过反射来扩大音量125

33 Plant First Aid Collecting light to benefit plants 植物的急救 集中阳光以利于植物生长129

34 Hot Light Comparing waste heat from bulbs 热光 比较各种灯泡的废热133

35 Crash!The relationship between mass and force碰撞! 质量与力的关系137

36 Bigger Water Temperature's expansion/contraction effects 水变大了 温度的膨胀/收缩效应142

37 Look at the Sound Might speed faster than sound speed 考查声音 光速比音速快得多145

38 Work=Force×Distance The wedge,a simple machine 功=力×距离 尖劈是一种简单机械148

39 Water Shooter Compressing a fluid 水枪 挤压液体152

40 Siphon Fun Water drains to own level 有趣的虹吸管 水将排放到自己特有的水位为止155

41 Whirring Button Torque:changing the direction of force 旋转的纽扣 扭矩:改变力的方向158

42 Toy Story Torque-energy storage in a homemade toy 玩具里的学问 自制玩具中的扭矩贮能162

43 Walls Don't Move Newton's 3rd:action and reaction 墙没有移动 牛顿第三定律:作用力与反作用力165

44 Sandwater Erosion caused by friction of glacial ice 含砂的水 冰川中冰的摩擦所引起的侵蚀168

45 Back I Shape The characteristics of elasticity 恢复原状 弹性的特点172

46 Don's Fret Changing pitch by varying string tension 不要烦恼 通过改变琴弦的绷紧程度来改变音高176

47 Space Saver The concept of volume节省空间 体积的概念180

A Glossary 科学术语183
