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Syllabus Guide-ACCA,CIMA,ICSA8
Table of Cases9
Table of Statutes26
1.Methods of Learning1
2.Examination Technique7
4.The Main Sources of English Law18
5.The Subsidiary Sources of Law34
6.English Legal History37
7.The Courts45
8.Tribunals and Arbitration55
9.The Personnel of the Law59
10.Procedure and Evidence66
11.The Law of Persons76
12.Property Law91
Coursework Questions 1-8104
14.The Concept of a Contract107
15.The Formation of a Contract109
16.Capacity to Contract121
17.Form of Contracts127
18.The Contents of Contracts129
19.Vitiating Factors140
20.Discharge of Contracts156
21.Remedies for Breach of Contract166
22.Privity of Contract173
Coursework Questions 9-16175
23.The Nature of a Tort181
24.General Defences183
27.Strict Liability209
29.Trespass and Conversion222
3 1.Remedies and Limitation Periods235
Coursework Questions 17-24238
33.Sale of Goods253
34.Consumer Credit277
35.Negotiable Instruments288
37.Carriage of Goods318
38.Lien and Bailment323
40.Patents,Copyright,Trade Marks and Passing Off331
Coursework Questions 25-32342
41.The Contract of Employment347
42.The Common Law Duties of an Employee358
43.Duties of an Employer363
45.Maternity Rights392
Coursework Questions 33-38401
47.Termination of Contracts of Employment403
49.Social Security432
50.Industrial Injuries-Employer's Liability440
51.The Factories Act 1961445
52.The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974451
53.Institutions and Tribunals460
54.Trade Unions466
Coursework Questions 39-44490
Introduction to Appendices 1 and 2493
Appendix 1 Answers to Coursework Questions494
Appendix 2 Revision Questions with Suggested Answers546
Appendix 3 Questions and Discussion Topics without Answers583
Appendix 4 Assignments588
Appendix 5 Scottish Variants592
Adams and Kensington Vestry Re(1884)97
Adamson v Jarvis(1827)248
Addis v Gramophone Co(1909)409
Albemarle Supply Co v Hinde & Co(1927)323
Alexander v North East Railway Co(1865)232
Allen v Gulf Oil(1981)190
Aluminium Industrie BV v Romalpa(1976)254
Amalgamated Investment and Property Co v John Walker(1977)512
Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants v Osborne(1910)472
Andrae v Selfridge(1938)216
Andrews v Hopkinson(1956)280
Anns v Merton Borough Council(1977)197
Archbolds v Spanglett(1961)151
Armstrong v Jackson(1917)246
Ashington Piggeries v Christopher Hill(1972)259
Ashton v Turner(1981)197
Atkinson v Newcastle Waterworks(1877)211
Atlantic Baron,The(1979)149
Atlas Express v Kafco(1989)149
Attorney General v Corke(1933)209
Attorney General's Reference(No 1 of 1988)27
Austin Rover v TGWU(1984)488
Avery v Bowden(1855)164
Baker v Bolton(1808)236
Baily v De Crespigny(1869)161
Barclays Bank v Taylor(1989)305
Barnett v Chelsea Hospital Management Committee(1969)185
Barrow Lane & Ballard v Phillips(1929)265
Bartlett v Shoe Leather Record(1960)359
Basildon District Council v Lesser(1984)169
Bauman v Hulton Press Ltd(1952)407
Bavins v London & South Western Bank(1900)291
Baxendale v Bennett(1878)295
Baxter v St Helena Group Hospital Management Committee(1972)364
Bayley v Manchester,Sheffield & Lincolnshire Railway(1872)373
Beard v London General Omnibus Co(1900)191
Beaverbrook Newspapers Ltd v Keys(1980)483
Bentley Engineering Co Ltd v Crown(1976)423
Bents Brewery Co Ltd v Hogan(1945)361
Beresford v St Albans Justices(1905)72
Bernstein v Pamsons Motors(1986)271
Berstein v Sidney Murray(1981)336
Beswick v Beswick(1967)173
Bird v Jones(1845)223
Bishopsgate Motor Finance v Transport Brakes(1949)266
Blower v Great Western Railway(1872)318
Blue Circle Staff Association v Certification Officer(1977)469
Bollinger v Costa Brava Wine Co(1961)341
Bolt v Wm Moss & Sons Ltd(1966)441
Bolton v Mahadeva(1972)157
Bolton Partners v Lambert(1888)245
Bolton v Stone(1951)215
Bonsor v Musicians'Union(1956)466
Boston Deep Sea Fishing Co v Ansell(1888)359
Boulting v Association of Cinematograph,Television & Allied Technicians(1963)474
Bovey v Board of Governors of Hospital for Sick Children(1978)394
Bowater v Rowley Regis Corporation(1944)184
Bower v Peate(1876)217
Brace v Calder(1895)404
Bradford Corporation v Pickles(1895)181
Braham v J.Lyons & Co(1962)449
Brassington v Cauldon Wholesale Ltd(1978)419
Breen v AEU(1971)478
Brinton v Turvey(1905)433
Bristol Garage(Brighton)Ltd v Lowen(1979)355
British Aircraft Corporation v Austin(1978)365
British Broadcasting Corporation v Hearn(1977)482
British Crane Hire v Ipswich Plant Hire(1974)132
British Guiana Credit Corpn v Da Silva(1965)409
British Leyland v Armstrong Patents(1986)336
British Leyland(UK)Ltd v McQuilken(1978)357
British Railways Board v Herrington(1972)207
British Syphon Co Ltd v Homewood(1956)361
Bristol Conservatories v Conservatories Custom Built(1989)342
Bromby & Hoare Ltd v Evans(1972)425
Brook v Hook(1871)245
Brown v John Mills & Co Ltd(1970)366
Browning v Crumlin Valley Collieries Ltd(1916)382
Bryant v Foot(1868)71
BSM v Social Services Secretary(1978)349
Buck v English Electric(1978)238
Bullock v Power(1956)448
Burn v National Amalgamated Labourers Union of Great Britain and Ireland(1920)477
Burnard v Haggis(1863)125
Burns v J.Terry&Sons Ltd(1951)448
Burrows v Rhodes(1899)362
Bushell's Case(1670)64
Butler Machine Tool Co v Ex-Cell-O Corporation(1979)131
Bux v Slough Metals Ltd(1970)367
Byrne v Boadle(1863)204
Byrne v Deane(1937)230
Campbell v Paddington Corporation(1911)220
Caparo Industries v Dickman(1989)198
Capper Pass Ltd v Lawton(1977)386
Car & Universal Finance v Caldwell(1964)145
Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball Co(1893)110
Carr v Mercantile Produce Co Ltd(1949)447
Carter v Wiltshire County Council(1979)419
Cassell v Broome(1972)235
Cassidy v Daily Mirror(1929)231
Cassidy v Ministry of Health(1951)350
Cavanagh v Ulster Weaving Co Ltd(1959)369
Cehave v Bremer(1975)256
Central London Property Trust v High Trees House(1947)63
Central Newbury Car Auctions v Unity Finance(1957)266
Century Insurance Co Ltd v Northern Ireland Road Transport Board(1942)373
Chadwick v British Railways Board(1967)201
Chapelton v Barry UDC(1940)134
Chaplin v Hicks(1911)558
Chapman v Goonvean & Rostowrack China Clay Co Ltd(1973)425
Charter v Sullivan(1957)168
Cherey v Conn(1968)553
Chichester Diocesan Fund v Simpson(1944)100
Cilia v H.M.James & Sons(1954)368
Clarke v Dickson(1858)147
Clarkson Booker v Andjel(1964)250
Clay v Crump(1963)198
Clayton&Waller v Oliver(1930)363
Clements v L & NW Railway(1894)122
Clough Mill v Martin(1985)228
Clutton v Attenborough(1897)301
Cohen v Roche(1927)506
Coleman v Baldwin(1977)408
Collier v Sunday Referee(1940)363
Collins v Godefroy(1831)118
Combe v Combe(1951)119
Commissioners of Income Tax v Pemsel(1891)99
Condor v Barron Knights(1966)160
Coomes(Holdings)Ltd v Shields(1978)386
Cooper v Phibbs(1867)510
Cope v Sharpe(1912)189
Corby v Morrison(1980)347
Cork v Kirby Maclean Ltd(1952)369
Corpe v Overton(1833)123
Cowan v Milbourn(1867)154
Creffield v BBC(1975)412
Crofter Hand Woven Harris Tweed Co Ltd v Veitch(1942)475
Cumming v Ince(1847)148
Cundy v Lindsay(1878)141
Currie v Misa(1875)115
Curtis v Chemical Cleaning Co(1951)134
Cutler v United Dairies(1933)185
Cybron Corporation v Rochem(1983)247
Czarnikow v Roth,Schmidt(1922)515
Daimler v Continental Tyre & Rubber Co(1916)78
Darbishire v Warren(1963)169
Darrell v Tibbitts(1880)312
Davey v Harrow Corporation(1958)521
Davies v Mann(1842)440
Davidson v Pillay(1974)347
Davis Contractors v Fareham UDC(1956)161
Dawsons v Bonnin(1922)310
Day v Savadge(1614)20
D.C.Builders v Rees(1966)117
De Francesco v Barnum(1890)122
Demby Hmilton v Barden(1949)264
Dennant v Skinner & Collom(1948)262
Denne v Light(1857)506
Derry v Peek(1889)144
Devis & Sons Ltd v Atkins(1977)417
Devonald v Rosser & Sons(1906)363
Deyong v Shenburn(1946)370
Dick Bentley Productions v Harold Smith Motors(1965)129
Dickenson v Dodds(1876)112
Doe d Carter v Barnard(1849)225
Donoghue v Stevenson(1932)195
Doughty v Turner MFG Co(1964)365
Dugdale & Others v Kraft Foods Ltd(1976)385
Dunlop Pneumatic Tyre Co v New Garage & Motor Co(1915)170
Dunlop v Selfridge(1915)36
Earl v Slater & Wheeler(Airlyne)Ltd(1972)411
Esterman v NALGO(1974)476
Eastern Distributors v Goldring(1957)265
Edwards v Carter(1893)123
Edwards v Ddin(1976)264
Edwards v Halliwell(1950)478
Edwards v SOGAT(1971)475
Edwards v West Herts Hospital Committee(1957)370
Egg Stores(Stamford Hill)Ltd v Lebovici(1977)406
Elcock v Thomson(1949)311
Elliott v Bax-Ironside(1925)294
Esso Petroleum v Harper's Garage(1967)153
Esso Petroleum v Mardon(1976)200
Esterman v NALGO(1974)476
European Chefs v Currell Ltd(1971)425
Exec,of Everest v Cox(1980)426
Express Newspapers Ltd v Macshane(1980)483
Eyre v Measday(1986)132
F & H Entertainments v Leisure Enterprises(1976)146
Faramus v Film Artistes'Association(1964)475
Farley v Westminster Bank(1939)99
Farr v Hoveringham Gravel Ltd(1972)413
Farrar v Nelson(1885)215
Fearn v Tayfield Motor Co Ltd(1975)413
Felthouse v Bindley(1863)114
Ferguson v Dawson(1978)349
Fibrosa v Fairbairn(1942)163
Financings Ltd v Stimpson(1962)113
Finch v Telegraph Construction&Maintenance Co(1949)367
Fish v Kapur(1948)204
Fisher v Bell(1961)110
Fisher v Prince(1762)20
Fitch v Dewes(1921)152
Fletcher v Krell(1872)509
Flight v Bolland(1828)507
Foakes v Beer(1884)513
Ford Motor Co Ltd v Amalgamated Union of Engineering & Foundry Workers(1969)480
Foss v Harbottle(1843)478
Foster v Driscoll(1929)151
Fouldes v Willoughby(1841)227
Four Point Garage v Carter(1985)269
Fowler v Lanning(1959)189
Froom v Butcher(1976)205
Fullers Ltd v Squire(1901)446
Gallear v J.F.Watson & Son Ltd(1979)370
Galloway v Galloway(1914)140
Garnac Grain Co v H.M.Faure(1967)244
Garrard Re(1907)99
Garrard v Southey(1952)353
Gascol Conversions v Mercer(1974)356
General Cleaning Contractors v Christmas(1953)366
Gibbons v Westminster Bank(1938)305
Gilford Motor Co v Horne(1933)78
Gilmour v Coats(1949)100
Glendinning v Pilkington Bros Ltd(1973)413
Godley v Perry(1960)260
Goldsoll v Goldman(1915)155
Gorris v Scott(1874)211
Grainger v Gough(1896)110
Grant v Australian Knitting Mills(1936)258
Gray v Barr(1971)317
Great Northern Railway v Swaffield(1874)245
Greenwood v Martins Bank(1933)300
Greer v Sketchley(1978)505
Gregory & Parker v Williams(1817)174
Gregory v Ford(1951)358
Greig v Community Industry(1979)396
Greig v Insole(1978)152
Grieve v Imperial Tobacco Co Ltd(1963)383
Griffiths v Dalton(1940)295
Grist v Bailey(1966)142
Groves v Lord Wimborne(1898)211
Gubala v Crompton Parkinson Ltd(1977)396
Gunthing v Lynn(1831)109
Gyllehammar v Sourbrodogradevna Industrila(1989)162
Hadley v Baxendale(1854)166
Hardaker v Huby(1962)368
Hardy v Hillerns & Fowler(1923)272
Hare v Murphy Bros Ltd(1974)406
Harmer v Cornelius(1858)360
Harris v Birkenhead Corporation(1975)208
Harris v Poland(1942)313
Harris v Wyre Forest District Council(1989)198
Harrison v The Duke of Rutland(1893)224
Harrods v R.Harrods(1923)341
Hartley v Mayoh & Co(1954)211
Hartley v Ponsonby(1857)118
Hartog v Colin & Shields(1939)142
Harvela Investments v Royal Trust of Canada(1985)113
Harvey v Facey(1893)109
Hawes v Railway Executive(1952)366
Haynes v Harwood(1935)184
Hayward v Cammell Laird(1984)385
Healy v Howlett & Sons(1917)261
Heathcote v NW Electricity Board(1974)412
Hedley Byrne v Heller(1964)199
Helby v Matthews(1895)268
Hemmings v Stoke Poges Golf Club(1920)226
Herne Bay Steamboat Co v Hutton(1903)160
Hill v CA Parsons(1972)410
Hillas v Arcos(1932)109
Hilton v Thomas Burton Ltd(1961)374
Hindle v Percival Boats Ltd(1969)425
Hines v Winnick(1947)341
Hirachand Punamchand v Temple(1911)513
Hiscox v Batchelor(1867)407
Hivac v Park Royal Scientific Instruments Ltd(1946)359
Hoare v Green(Robert)Ltd(1907)445
Hochster v De La Tour(1853)164
Hodgson v NALGO(1972)478
Hoenig v Isaacs(1952)157
Hogan v Bentinck Collieries(1949)522
Hollier v Rambler Motors(1972)135
Hollins v Fowler(1875)227
Hollywood Silver Fox Farm v Emmett(1936)182
Home Office v Dorset Yacht Co(1970)196
Honeywill & Stein v Larkin Bros(1934)193
Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank v Lo Lee Shi(1928)302
Hong Kong Fir Shipping Co v Kawasaki(1962)130
Hornby v Close(1867)467
Horsfall v Thomas(1862)144
Household Fire Insurance Co v Grant(1879)115
Hudson v Ridge MFG Co Ltd(1957)366
Hulton v Jones(1910)231
Humble v Hunter(1848)250
Huntley v Thornton & Others(1957)475
Hyde v Hyde(1866)76
Hyde v Wrench(1840)112
Hyman v Hyman(1929)514
ICI v Shatwell(1965)184
Ilkiw v Samuels(1963)359
Incorporated Council of Law Reporting v Attorney-General(1972)99
Initial Services Ltd v Putterill(1968)361
Innes v Wylie(1844)222
International Minerals and Chemicals Corporation v Helm(1986)167
IRC v National Anti-Vivisection Society(1948)99
Isle of Wight Tourist Board v Coombes(1976)408
J'anson v Stuart(1787)231
Jamal v Moolla Darwood(1916)558
James v Hepworth & Grandage Ltd(1967)367
James v Thos A Kent & Co Ltd(1951)407
Jarvis v Swan Tours(1973)168
Jenkins v Kingsgate(1981)387
Jennings v Rundall(1799)125
Joel v Cammell Laird Shiprepairers Ltd(1969)356
Jones v Harry Sherman(1969)383
Jones v Manchester Corporation(1948)360
Jones v Vernons Pools(1938)120
Jones v Waring & Gillow(1926)290
Joyce v Boots Cash Chemists(Southern)Ltd(1950)446
Joyce v DPP(1946)14
Keech v Sandford(1726)103
Kelner v Baxter(1866)245
Kelsen v Imperial Tobacco Co(1957)225
Kemble v Farren(1829)170
Kennaway v Thompson(1980)218
Keppel v Wheeler(1927)247
Ketley v Scott(1981)287
King v Phillips(1953)196
Kings Motors(Oxford)v Lax(1969)557
Kings Norton Metal v Edridge Merrett(1897)141
Knightley v Johns(1982)187
Knighton v Henry Rhodes Ltd(1974)413
Koufos v Czarnikow(1969)167
Krell v Henry(1903)160
Ladbroke Racing Ltd v Arnott(1979)407
Lamb v Camden Borough Council(1981)187
Lambert v Lewis(1982)169
Lamdon Trust v Hurrell(1955)169
Lampleigh v Braithwait(1615)117
Langston v AUEW(1974)363
Latimer v AEC(1953)202
Laws v London Chronicle(1959)362
LCC v Cattermoles Garage(1953)372
Leach v R.(1912)27
Leaf v International Galleries(1950)147
Leakey v National Trust(1980)209
Lee v Showmans'Guild of Great Britain(1952)476
Leigh v Gladstone(1909)224
Leppard v Excess Insurance Co(1979)312
Lesney Products & Co Ltd v Nolan(1977)424
L'Estrange v Graucob(1934)134
Letang v Cooper(1965)222
Levesley v Thomas Firth & John Brown Ltd(1953)449
Lewis v Averay(1971)141
Lewis v Clay(1897)143
Limpus v London General Omnibus Co(1862)193
Lindsay Parkinson v Commissioners of Works(1949)512
Lister v Romford Ice & Cold Storage Ltd(1957)194
Liverpool City Council v Irwin(1977)133
Lloyd v Grace,Smith & Co(1912)194
Lloyds Bank v Cooke(1907)295
Lloyds Bank v Savory(1933)308
London Assurance Co v Mansell(1879)310
London Chatham and Dover Railway v South Eastern Railway(1893)167
London Joint Stock Bank v Macmillan(1918)305
Long v Lloyd(1958)146
Lound v Grimwade(1888)154
Lovells v Blundell(1944)364
Lowe v Griffith(1835)560
Lucena v Craufurd(1806)311
Lucifero v Castell(1887)246
Luxor(Eastbourne)v Cooper(1941)248
McCaffrey v A.E.Jeavons & Co Ltd(1967)355
McCarthy v Daily Mirror(1949)370
MaCarthys v Smith(1978)33
McCarthys Ltd v Smith(No.2)(1980)387
McGhee v NCB(1971)368
McInnes v Onslow Fane(1978)475
McLoughlin v O'Brien(1982)201
McNally v Welltrade International Ltd(1978)371
McPhail v Doulton(1971)97
McWilliams v Sir William Arrol(1962)369
Macaura v Northern Assurance Co(1925)78
MacGregor Wallcoverings Ltd v Turton(1977)397
Mahon v Osborne(1939)204
Malone v Laskey(1907)216
Manubens v Leon(1919)558
Maple Flock Co v Universal Furniture Products(1934)165
Marina Shipping Ltd v Laughton and Another(1981)485
Market Investigations v Ministry of Social Security(1969)351
Marriott v Oxford & District Co-operative Society Ltd(1970)408
Marshall v Harland & Wolff Ltd(1972)405
Martin v Solus Schall(1979)353
Martin v Yorkshire Imperial Metals Ltd(1978)407
Mason v Provident Clothing(1913)152
Masson Seeley v Embossotype Manufacturing(1924)342
Meah v McCreamer No.2(1986)186
Meering v Grahame-White Aviation Co(1919)223
Mercantile Union Guarantee Corpn v Ball(1937)123
Mercer v Denne(1905)19
Merritt v Merritt(1970)120
Mersey Docks & Harbour Board v Coggins & Griffiths(Liverpool)Ltd(1946)353
Methuen v Cow Industrial Polymers Ltd(1980)386
Metsoja v Norman Pitt(1989)281
Microbeads v Vinhurst Road Markings(1975)257
Miliangos v George Frank Textiles(1975)24
Miller v Jackson(1976)218
Milsom v Leicester County Council(1978)391
Minnevitch v Cafe de Paris(Londres)(1936)382
Mirehouse v Rennell(1833)20
Mitchell(George)v Finney Lock Seeds(1983)138
Mitchie v Shenley(1952)365
Monaghan v Rhodes(1920)364
Monk v Warbey(1935)316
Moore v Duport Furniture Products Ltd and ACAS(1980)461
Moore & Landauer,Re(1921)156
Morgan v Manser(1948)511
Morrison v Kemp(1912)294
Morrish v Henlys(Folkestone)Ltd(1973)412
Mortiboy v Rolls Royce(1983)413
Morton Sundour Fabrics v Shaw(1966)423
Muirhead v Industrial Tank Specialists(1986)197
Murphy v Brentwood District Council(1990)197
Nagle v Fielden(1966)475
Napier v National Business Agency(1951)150
Nash v Inman(1908)122
Nash v Sheen(1953)222
Nathan v Ogdens(1905)291
National Coal Board v Evans(1951)226
National Mutual General Insurance Association v Jones(1988)268
National Union ofGold,Silver & Allied Trades v Albury Brothers(1979)470
National Union of Teachers v Avon County Council(1410)429
National Westminster Bank v Morgan(1985)149
Neefjes v Crystal Products Co Ltd(1972)412
Neepsend Steel & Tool Corpn v Vaughan(1972)426
Nethermere(St.Neots)Ltd v Taverna(1984)351
Newstead v London Express(1939)232
Newtons of Wembley v Williams(1964)268
Niblett v Confectioners'Materials Co(1921)257
Nichol v Godts(1854)268
Nicolene v Simmonds(1953)131
Noble v Harrison(1926)220
Nokes v Doncaster Amalgamated Collieries Ltd(1940)404
Nordenfeldt v Maxim Nordenfeldt(1894)153
Nordman v Rayner & Sturgess(1916)512
North Riding Garages v Butterwick(1967)424
Nottage Re(1895)100
Notts Patent Brick Co v Butler(1886)509
Nu-Swift International Ltd v Mallinson(1978)394
O'Brien v Associated Fire Alarms(1968)362
O'Connell v Jackson(1971)205
O'Connor v Swan & Edgar(1963)372
O'Grady v Saper Ltd(1940)383
O'Hare v Rotoprint Ltd(1980)425
Oliver v Davis & Woodcock(1949)296
Olley v Marlborough Court(1949)134
Orman v Saville Sportswear Ltd(1960)383
Oscar Chess v Williams(1957)129
Ottoman Bank v Chakarian(1930)362
Overseas Tankship(UK)v Morts Docks(The Wagon Mound)184
Owens v Brimmell(1977)206
Padbury v Holliday & Greenwood(1912)192
Page v Freight Hire(Tank Haulage)Ltd(1981)378
Page Motors v Epsom Borough Council(1980)209
Page One Records v Britton(1968)410
Pannett v McGuiness & Co(1972)208
Paradine v Jane(1647)159
Paris v Stepney Borough Council(1951)202
Parker v Clark(1960)120
Parkinson v College of Ambulance(1925)151
Parvin v Morton Machine Co Ltd(1952)448
Peake v Automotive Products Ltd(1977)396
Pearce v Brooks(1866)151
Pearson v Rose & Young(1951)267
Penny v Northampton Borough Council(1974)208
Pepper v Webb(1969)358
Performing Rights Society Ltd v Mitchell & Booker(Palais de Danse)Ltd374
Perl v Camden Borough Council(1983)565
Peters v Fleming(1840)122
Peters v Prince of Wales Theatre(Birmingham)(1943)210
Petrie v Macfisheries Ltd(1940)383
Petrofina v Martin(1966)154
Pfizer v Ministry of Health(1965)514
Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain v Boots Chemists(1953)110
Phillips Products v Hyland(1984)137
Phoenix AssuranceCo v Spooner(1905)313
Photo Productions v Securicor Transport(1980)138
Pickering v Busk(1812)244
Pickett v British Rail Engineering(1980)235
Pignataro v Gilroy(1919)263
Pilkington v Wood(1953)167
Pinnel's Case(1602)117
Pinnock v Lewis(1923)167
Planché v Colburn(1831)157
Plowman v Ash(1964)504
Poland v John Parr & Sons(1927)373
Re Polemis186
Pollard v Clayton(1865)172
Pontardawe RDC v Moore-Gwyn(1929)521
Poole v Smith's Car Sales(Balham)(1962)263
Potec v Edinburgh Corporation(1964)368
Powell v Ely-Kynoch Ltd(1981)397
Powell v Lee(1908)114
Prager v Blatspiel(1924)244
Price v Mouat(1862)362
Price v Civil Service Commission(1977)397
Punton & Another v MPNI(1963)436
Qualcast Ltd v Haynes(1959)367
Quinn v Burch Bros Ltd(1966)440
R.v Gould(1968)22
R.v Hallam(1957)94
R.v IIC(Ex Parte AEU)(1966)433
R.v Kylsant(1931)144
R.v Maddon(1975)220
R.v Rodley(1913)72
R.v Swan Hunter Shipbuilders Ltd(1981)371
Raffles v Wichelhaus(1864)140
Ramsgate Victoria Hotel v Montefiore(1866)112
Rand v Craig(1919)374
Rapier v London Tramways(1893)219
R & B Customers Brokers v United Dominions Trust(1988)138
Read v Anderson(1884)248
Read v J.Lyons(1947)36
Reading v Attorney General(1951)247
Ready-Mixed Concrete(South East)Ltd v MPNI(1969)350
Reid v Metropolitan Police Commissioner(1973)36
Rice v Fon-A-Car(1980)399
Richley v Faull(1965)518
Rickards v Lothian(1913)210
Rickards v Oppenheim(1950)157
Rima Electric v Rolls Razor(1965)342
Robb v Green(1895)361
Roberts v Havelock(1832)156
Roberts v Ramsbottom(1980)202
Roberts v Smith(1859)347
Robertson v British Gas(1983)356
Robertson v Securicor Tpt Ltd(1972)416
Robinson v Balmain New Ferry(1910)223
Robinson v Davidson(1871)512
Robinson v Graves(1935)253
Robinson v Kilvert(1889)216
Robinson Scammell v Ansell(1985)247
Roles v Nathan206
Rondel v Worsley(1969)60
Rookes v Barnard(1964)481
Roscorla v Thomas(1842)116
Rose v Plenty(1976)193
Roselodge v Castle(1966)316
Ross v Caunters(1979)199
Rowland v Divall(1923)258
RS Components Ltd v Irwin(1973)413
Rylands v Fletcher(1868)209
Sagar v Ridehalgh(1931)356
Saif Ali v Sydney Mitchell(1978)60
Salmon v Seafarers Restaurants(1983)206
Salomon v Salomon Ltd(1897)77
Sapwell v Bass(1910)558
Satchwell Sunvic Ltd v Secretary of State(1979)392
Saunders v Anglia Building Society(1970)143
Savage v British India Steam Navigation Corpn Ltd(1930)407
Scammell v Ouston(1941)130
Scaramanga v Stamp(1880)321
Scheggia v Gradwell(1963)248
Scotson & Pegg(1861)514
Scott v Avery(1856)57
Scott v London & St.Catherines Dock(1865)516
Scott v Shepherd(1773)188
Scruttons v Midland Silicones(1962)173
Secretary of State for Employment v ASLEF(No.2)(1972)357
Sedleigh-Denfield v O'Callaghan(1940)217
Shanklin Pier v Detel Products(1951)175
Shaw v DPP(1962)24
Sheik Bros v Ochsner(1957)140
Shah v SOGAT 82(1984)485
Shilton v Hughes-Johnson(1963)441
Shipp v DJ Catering Ltd(1982)414
Sim v Stretch(1936)229
Simpkins v Pays(1955)120
Simpson v Wells(1872)19
Sinclair v Neighbour(1967)359
Singh v Higgs & Hill Ltd(1976)425
Singh v London County Bus Services(1976)412
Sirros v Moore(1975)63
Six Carpenters Case(1610)225
Skilling v Read(1982)574
Slater v John Swain & Son Ltd(1981)422
Slingsby v District Bank(1931)305
Smith v Baker(1891)183
Smith v Eric Bush(1989)137
Smith v Crossley Bros Ltd(1951)366
Smith v Hughes(1871)140
Smith v Leech Braine(1962)188
Solle v Butcher(1950)510
Somerville v Hawkins(1851)234
Sood v GEC Elliott Ltd(1984)376
Springer v Great Western Railway(1921)244
Stanley v Powell(1891)189
Steel v Union of Post Office Workers and GPO(1978)397
Steinberg v Scala(1925)123
Sterns v Vickers(1923)264
Stevenson v McLean(1880)112
Stilk v Myrick(1809)117
Storey v Fulham Steel Works(1907)405
Stott&Sons v Stokes(1971)425
Stratford(J.T.)& Sons Ltd v Lindley(1965)482
Sturges v Bridgeman(1879)218
Summers(John)& Sons Ltd v Frost(1955)447
Sumpter v Hedges(1898)156
Superlux v Plaisted(1958)360
Sword v Cameron(1839)368
Taddy v Sterious(1904)174
Taff Vale Railway Co v Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants(1902)466
Tamplin Steamship Co v Anglo-Mexican Petrol(1915)161
Tarling v Baxter(1827)262
Tate v Williamson(1866)148
Taw v Notek(1951)340
Taylor v Alidair Ltd(1978)412
Taylor v Caldwell(1863)160
Tavlor v Kent County Council(1969)428
Thomas v Thomas(1842)117
Thompson v LMS Railway(1930)135
Thompson v Robinson Gunmakers(1955)168
Thornett & Fehr v Beers & Sons(1919)259
Thornton v Shoe Lane Parking(1971)111
Tolley v J.S.Fry & Sons(1931)231
Tramp Shipping Corpn v Greenwich Marine Inc(1975)483
Treganowen v Robert Knee & Co Ltd(1975)413
Trim Joint District School Board of Management v Kelly(1914)433
Tubervell v Savage(1669)222
Tulk v Moxhay(1848)174
Turner v Goldsmith(1891)252
Turner v Mansfield Corporation(1975)204
Turner v Sawdon&Co(1901)382
Turpin v Bilton(1843)246
Turriff Construction Ltd v Bryant(1967)353
Tutton v Walter(1985)196
Twine v Bean's Express(1944)193
Tyler Re(1891)100
Uddin v Associated Portland Cement(1965)448
UK Atomic Energy Authority v Claydon(1974)424
Underwood v Burgh Castle Brick & Cement Syndicate(1922)262
Vancouver Malt & Sake Brewing Co v Vancouver Breweries(1934)152
Vandyke v Fender(1970)433
Van Oppen v Tredegars(1921)227
Vaux & Associated Breweries v Ward(1969)424
Vauxhall Estates v Liverpool Corporation(1932)553
Vinden v Hughes(1905)299
Vokes v Evans and Marble Arch Motor Supplies(1931)566
Wagon Mound,The(1961)186
Walkley v Precision Forgings(1979)238
Ward v Tesco Stores(1976)516
Warner Bros v Nelson(1936)191
Warren v Henly's Ltd(1948)373
Watt v Herts County Council(1954)202
Watt v Longsdon(1930)233
Watteau v Fenwick(1893)249
Weeds v Blaney(1976)142
West Country Cleaners v Saly(1966)515
Westall Richardson v Roulson(1954)350
Western Excavating(EEC)Ltd v Sharp(1978)408
Westminster Bank v Zang(1966)308
Westwood v The Post Office(1974)208
White & Carter(Councils)v McGregor(1961)163
Whittaker v MPNI(1967)350
Wickman v Schuler(1974)130
Wigan Borough Council v Davies(1979)408
Wilkie v London Transport(1947)111
Williams v Bayley(1866)148
Williams v Jones(1865)373
Williams v Roffey(1989)118
Willy Scheidegger Swiss Typewriting School v Minister of Social Security(1968)351
Wilson(Joshua)& Bros v USDW(1978)430
Wilson v Racher(1974)359
Wilson v Rickett Cockerell(1954)259
Wilson v Tyneside Window Cleaning Co(1958)203
Wilson v Willes(1806)20
Winterhalter Gastronom v Webb(1973)411
Wishart v NCB(1974)423
With v O'Flanagan(1936)509
Withers v Perry Chain Co Ltd(1961)369
Wolstanton v Newcastle-Under-Lyne Corporation(1940)20
Woodhouse v Peter Brotherhood(1972)421
Woodman v Photo Trade Processing(1981)276
Woods v Durable Suites(1933)367
Wooldridge v Sumner(1963)183
Worcester Works Finance v Cooden Engineering(1971)267
Wright v Rugby County Council(1984)397
Yates v South Kirby Collieries Ltd(1910)432
Yeoman Credit v Gregory(1963)301
Yewens v Noakes(1880)348
Yonge v Toynbee(1910)249
Yorkshire Copper Works'Application(1954)340
Young v Bristol Aeroplace Co(1944)53
Young v Edward Box & Co Ltd(1951)374
Young & Woods Ltd v West(1980)349
Youssoupoff v MGM Pictures(1934)230
Zarczynska v Levy(1978)400
Zarb v British & Brazilian Produce Co Ltd(1978)422
Administration of Estates Act 192526
Administration of Justice(Miscellaneous Provisions)Act 193364
Administration of Justice Act 1983442
Affiliation Proceedings Act 195726
Arbitration Act 195057
Arbitration Act 1979 S.1,3,4,558
Attachment of Earnings Act 1971384
Bills of Exchange Act1882
British Nationality Act 198189
Carriage by Air Act 1961322
Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 1971320
Carriers Act 1830319
Charities Act 1960101
Cheques Act1957
Children and Young Persons Act 196347
Children and Young Persons Act 196947
Civil Aviation Act 1949225
Civil Evidence Act 196816
Combination Act 1800466
Common Law Procedure Act 185464
Companies Act 198577
Companies Act 198980
Consumer Credit Act1974
Consumer Protection Act 1987212
Consumer Protection(Cancellation of Contracts Concluded away from Business Premises)Regulations 1987283
Copyright © 2025 最新更新
Courts Act 184650
Courts Act 197149
Courts & Legal Services Act 199050
Criminal Evidence Act 189827
Criminal Law Act 196736
Criminal Law Act 197746
Crown Proceedings Act 1947191
Defamation Act1952
Defective Premises Act 1972207
Domestic Proceedings and Magistrates Courts Act 197848
Employers'Liability(Compulsory Insurance)Act 1969317
Employers'Liability(Defective Equipment)Act 1969364
Employment Act 1980418
Emp loyment Act 1982418
Employment Act 1988488
Employment Act 1989490
Employment Protection Act1975
Employment Protection(Consolidation)Act1978
Equal Pay Act 1970356
Equal Pay(Amendment)Regulations 1983385
European Communities Act 197232
Evidence Act 193874
Factories Act 1961445
Factors Act1889
Fatal Accidents Act 1976236
Fires Prevention(Metropolis)Act 1774315
Gaming Act 1845150
Gulf Oil Refining Act 1965190
Health & Safety at Work Act 1974380
Hire Purchase Act 1965277
Industrial Training Act 1964464
Industry Act 1975469
Insolvency Act 198583
Insolvency Act 198683
Judicature Act 1873-187543
Judicature Act 192566
Law of Property Act 192591
Law Reform(Contributory Negligence)Act 1945205
Law Reform(Frustrated Contracts)Act 1943163
Law Reform(Miscellaneous Provisions)Act 1934236
Life Assurance Act 1774311
Limitation Act 1980170
Magistrates Courts Act 195746
Magna Carta 121538
Married Women's Property Act 188276
Minors Contracts Act 1987124
Misrepresentation Act1967
Oaths Act 190973
Occupiers'Liability Act 1957206
Occupiers'Liability Act 1984207
Partnership Act 189084
Patents Act 1977333
Post Office Act 1969191
Race Relations Act 1976400
Recreational Charities Act 1958100
Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974371
Rent Act 197425
Representation of the People Act 194916
Resale Prices Act 1976153
Restriction of Offensive Weapons Act 195926
Restrictive Trade Practices Act 1976150
Road Traffic Act 19603
Road Traffic Act 1972173
Sale of Goods Act 1893253
Sale ofGoods Act1979
Sex Discrimination Act 1975383
Sex Discrimination Act 1986383
Single European Act 198629
Social Security Act 1975328
Social Security and Housing Benefit Act 1982432
Social Security Pensions Act 1975354
Statute of Gloucester 127837
Statute of Labours 136139
Statute of Nisi Prius 128539
Supply of Goods(Implied Terms)Act 1973253
Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982274
Theft Act 196836
Torts(Interference With Goods)Act 1977323
Trade Descriptions Act 1968148
Trade Disputes Act 1906466
Trade Disputes Act 1965466
Trade Marks Act 1938339
Trade Marks(Amendment)Act 1984339
Trade Union Act 1871466
Trade Union Act 1913463
Trade Union Act 1984487
Trade Union(Amalgamations)Act 1964463
Trade Union & Labour Relations Act 1974466
Transfer of Undertakings(Protection of Employment)Regulations 1981414
Transport Act 1962319
Transport(London)Act 1969319
Treason Act 135114
Treaty of Rome 195729
Tribunals and Inquiries Act 195856
Tribunals and Inquiries Act 197155
Trustee Act 1925102
Trustee Investments Act 1961102
Unfair Contract Terms Act1977
Unsolicited Goods and Services Act 1971227
Wages Act 1986387
Waterworks Clauses Act 1874211
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